Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Isabelle’s POV

By the time I made it to the park, Ash was already there. He was dressed in a long-sleeved white dress shirt and dress pants and I guessed he when I called him he was getting ready for the wedding. And let me tell you, he looked good. Like, really good.

Maybe too good for me.

I quickly spun on my heel and turned the other way, hoping he didn’t see me. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe I should just go home and forget about Ash once and for all. I don’t deserve him even if he did return my feelings. I’m nothing but trouble. I’m just a waste of time—

“Izzy? Is that you?” Ash called out.

I turned towards him and faked a smile. “Yeah. I couldn’t find you.”

“Well, now you did.” He grinned. Slowly, it faltered when he came closer towards me. “What’s wrong?”

I took a small step back. “Nothing.”

“Something is wrong. You of all people know you can’t lie to me.”

I bit my lip. “At times that’s true. But not lately.”

“What do you mean?”

I shook my head silently, running a hand through my hair.

“So you mean you’ve been lying to me?” He asked, crossing his arms across his chest. “About what, exactly?”

“For one, about how I feel.”

“How you feel?”

“Yeah.” I said. “How I feel.”

All the while we were speaking, I was slowly inching my way towards him. He stared blankly at me once I came eye to eye to him. And amazingly, he didn’t move. Not one inch. So, I took that to my advantage. I closed the remaining distance between us, pressing myself up against him. Then I kissed him.

All rational and irrational thoughts flew out of my mind at that moment. It felt like time had stopped, everything just stopped moving, except us. Our lips continuously folding between eachothers in a sort of feisty way. Almost as if the both of us knew that this moment was rare and might not even happen again.

My hands found his belt loops and I slipped my fingers between them, a knack I’ve always had.

And god does he taste great. He had this minty taste to him. Which was probably toothpaste of course. And his usual scent was just an extra plus.

And you know that movie Princess Diaries? This moment reminded me of what Mia thought her first kiss would feel like. One of those foot-lifting moments. I mean, of course I wasn’t going to lift a foot all out of the blue like she did, but still.

I felt his hands run up along my thigh and then my waist slowly as if he was trying to waste time. When his hands reached my arms, he lightly pulled me away and stared at me.

“What are we doing?” He muttered.

I looked at him dumbfounded. “What? You don’t—You don’t understand anything that just happened? Not one thing?” I threw my arms up in exasperation, actually growing a little angry that he still had no idea what was going on. “I basically just admitted that I have feelings for you. Yes, it’s true. Little Isabelle has a huge crush on you.”

He scrunched up his face in confusion. “So since you have an old crush on me means that you can just go ahead and kiss me. And not just on any old day but on my wedding day?”

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