Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Mandy’s POV

I hung up Seb’s phone and pressed it to my lips in thought. Izzy’s a very strong girl and I’ve never seen her this depressed over anything. Nothing except when Ash is involved. And he’s a big goof if he’s just going to let her go.

“So?” Seb asked, running one of his hands along my arm tenderly. He probably noticed how tense I was. “What’s the verdict?”

I glanced over at him and frowned. “Ash must’ve rejected her or something because she’s leaving to Greece at midnight. She…she’s so sad, Seb.”

“She can’t just leave like that! That’s not fair to anyone else if she just runs off.” Seb said angrily and got to his feet. “We have to go and stop her.”

I gripped onto his hand, tugging him back to me. “We shouldn’t. We should let her fix this.”

“I’m not letting her just fix this alone. Did she just let us fix our relationship when we broke up?”

I shook my head hesitantly.

“Exactly.” When I stayed quiet, Seb took a seat beside me again and took my hands in his. “Mandy, Izzy didn’t believe we could help ourselves so she did it herself by any means possible. Why don’t we do that for her too?”

Isabelle’s POV

I furrowed my brows at the little brown haired smiling boy in the seat next to me. I’ve been looking at him for a good five minutes wondering where he came from. And he never talked. I thought he was mute for a second. Also from time to time I would blink, thinking he’d just disappear.

But he never did.

Finally, I decided to speak up. “What is this kid doing here?”

“Oh. That’s my son, Tony.” The cab driver glanced at me from his rearview mirror. “I had just picked him up from karate class.”

“At like eleven at night?”

“He wanted extra practice. He’s working on getting his black belt.”

I looked at the kid then back at the cab driver. “But he’s like five…”

“Actually six and a half.” The boy answered, his lisp clear in his voice. Probably missing a couple of teeth.

“Ooooh.” I cooed. “Six and a half. So scary—Ow!” I squealed, holding onto my now throbbing nose. “You’re devil of a child just punched me in the nose!”

“No, I didn’t.” He said innocently to his father. “She tripped.”

Tripped?” I snapped. “How can I possibly trip in a car—Ow! He hit me again!”

“Now, Tony,”

“I didn’t do it!” He shouted, throwing his little chubby arms in the air. Even though I kind of hated kids, I couldn’t help but find that he looked pretty cute.

But evil.

Really evil.

Sebastian’s POV

“We are gathered  together on this beautiful evening to share with Amber and Ash as they exchange vows of their everlasting love.” The priest started once Amber had made it to the stage beside Ash. “Now, before we begin is there anyone here who have any reasons as to why these two should not be joined in Holy Matrimony, let him speak now or forever hold his or her peace.”

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