Chapter 29

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I'm sooooo sorry about the wait! I was just so effing busy last weekend. Argh! Forgive me :(

ok. Well enjoy!


Chapter 29

Isabelle’s POV

“I got Oliver!” I called out, pulling at his hand as I dragged him into my apartment.  “He was one tough cookie, but for me, there’s no cookie that can not be conquered!”

“That was probably the worst thing you’ve ever said, Iz.” Seb sighed out. I turned to find him sitting in the couch, surprisingly, already dressed in jeans and a plaid long-sleeved shirt.

“Looking good, Seb.” I smirked.

He rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Iz.”

“Shut up, Iz.” I mocked him.

“Why do you always do that?”

“Why do you always do that?”

“Stop it—“

“Both of you stop it!” Mandy suddenly shouted. “Now off with the both of you. And have fun.”

“Now, what are we going to do about Amber’s party?” Mandy asked me once the boys had left.

I crossed my arms behind my head and rested back against the arm of the couch. “It’s all handled. Lance should be here right about—“


“—now.” I smiled to myself and turned around to a frantic-looking Lance. He looked like he hasn’t even gotten much sleep from the bags under his eyes. And his hair. Well, even messy his hair still looks fashionable. With a concerned look on my face I sat up in my seat. “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me?” He asked angrily, striding towards me. “I was worried about you, Iz! No one told me if you got out of the hospital or anything! I waited at home for a phone call that would let me know that you were okay, but I got nothing! So please don’t go asking me what’s wrong with me.” He growled.

Wow. I didn’t know how to answer that. So I just gave him a small smile. “Well, I’m better now.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Lance stretched out his arms and I automatically knew he wanted to kill me right now.

“Mandy! Help me! He wants to kill me!” I hopped off the chair, cleanly dodged his hands. He chased after me, causing us to end up running in circles around the couch.

All the while Mandy sat in her place, watching us from afar. I could even make out a grin on her face.

Tired out from all the running, I put up a surrendering hand out at Lance to stop. And surprisingly, he stopped. “Okay. This isn’t getting us anywhere. Maybe we should just stop—“

He was too fast. In seconds, he had me in his possession. I was thinking he was going for my neck in attempt to strangle me, so I put my hands up for protection and shut my eyes. But instead of strangling me, he…hugged me? Yeah. He hugged me. For a couple of moments, we just stood like that. My hands crushed between his chest and mine. Perfectly still.

“It was all my fault, wasn’t it?” He finally said.

“You’re fault…?” I asked. Then realized what he meant. “No. Oh god no. You didn’t know. I mean, how could you know?”

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