Chapter 13

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New chapter. Pretty boring but eff it lmbo

hope u like it ;)



Chapter 13

Isabelle’s POV

I yawned, running a hand through my fizzy hair. I flipped on the switch to the living room, light illuminating the whole room. When I saw who was sitting on the stool beside my counter, I scrunched up my face in confusion. “What in god’s name are you doing in my apartment, Oli?”

“Morning to you too, sleeping beauty. Or should I say, the beast?” Oliver grinned.

I gave him a humorless laugh. “Ha ha. You’re hilarious. Stop it.” I told him, coming over to sit down on the couch and shut my eyes. “Seriously stop it.”

“You’re no fun anymore.”

“I didn’t think I was fun to begin with.” I said, rubbing my sleepy eyes. “Or it could be because it’s too early in the fucking morning.”

“It’s only ten.”

“Again. It’s too early in the morning.” I yawned again, not even bothering to muffle it with my hand this time. “How did you even get in here?”

“Seb opened it for me.”

“Seb? But then where is he?” I asked.

I saw a hand wave from the doorway, keys dangling on his fingers, and then a body emerged. “I’m right here.”

“How the hell did you even get a key?” I demanded a little irritated.

He stuck his hands up in the air. “Don’t get angry. Mandy gave me so I could help Oli over there.”

I narrowed my brows at him. “When did you decide to help when it didn’t involve Mandy?”

“When she refused to have sex with me…”

“Eww!” I squealed, covering my ears with my hands. “Nasty mental picture of you naked. Disgusting.”

“It’s a wonder how you’re even twenty four.” Seb added, rolling his eyes. “Maybe your maturity levels haven’t kicked in yet…”

“Shut up!” I yelled and threw a pillow at him.

He caught it and threw it back at me. “Shut up!” He mimicked me.

“Seb, I swear to Buddha, I’ll—“

“Can you two stop fighting for one second?” Oliver cut in.

“Whatever.” I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest. “Where’s Mandy anyways?”

“Family emergency.” Seb answered.

“What?” I exclaimed. “Why didn’t you go with her? Why didn’t you tell me to go with her?”

“She said she didn’t want to bother you.” He shrugged. “And she made me stay because she knows you’ll need some help.”

“Great. I’m stuck with the two complete idiots…” I muttered to myself.

“You know we can hear you right?” Oliver said.

“I. Don’t. Give. A. Fuck.”

Seb stepped over to Oliver and nudged his shoulder. “She’s PMSing.”

“You know what, Seb? I’m glad Mandy’s not here cause I’m about to kick your ass.” I growled, advancing towards him.

He cowered behind Oliver, using him as a shield.

“I don’t mind beating his ass too, you know. He deserves a good ass whooping.” I punched Oliver in the gut and smirked up at Seb when he fell to the ground, leaving Seb wide open. “This is what I’ve been waiting a good while for.”


I threw the ice pack at his chest in frustration. “You’re such a girl, Seb. If you’re going to whine like that while I’m trying to help you, I’m done.”

“Fine.” He snatched up the ice pack and pressed it to his swollen cheek with a huff.

“Oli? You good?” I asked him.

“Yeah.” He groaned out. “Perfect.”

“Okay, now down to business.” I grinned. “It’s only a 8 more weeks until Ash’s wedding so that why he’s invited me to shopping with them to find their outfits. What I’m going to do is distract Ash while Oli over here tries to seduce Amber.”

“Okay, wait.” Seb cut in, licking his swollen lip. “Why does she need to be seduced when we saw her with a mystery guy a couple of days ago?”

“I just want to try out something. If Oliver succeeds in seducing her and she is…seduced, then that means her relationship with that mystery guy is just a fling and she does that with anything that has a penis.”

Oliver laughed. “Well put.”

I smirked. “Whatever. Anyways, but if she doesn’t that means she has a serious relationship with this fellow. I just want to test that out so I could decide whether or not I need to check up on her secret boyfriend to, I don’t know, frame her or something.”

“You’re a mastermind.” Oliver clapped. “Dr. Evil style right there.”

Seb laughed.


“That’s all this mission is, alright?” I looked at them both. “No funny business. I know how guys are.” I smacked Seb lightly on the head. Even though it was barely a touch, he winced. “And I know how you are.”

“What could I possibly do?”

“Be an idiot and ruin the plan, dumbass.”


“So, when do we start?” Oliver asked.

Just then my cell phone rang on the counter. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was a text message. From Ash.

Picking u up in about 15 min.

“Okay. Well, I guess we’re starting in about fifteen minutes.” I informed them. “Now get out so I can get ready. Wait in the car and when we pull out, follow us. Got it?”


“Yeah, yeah.”

“Good.” I said, but just before I left, I added. “Oh, and Seb? You need a disguise. Find something more disguising this time. Sunglasses won’t cut it this time, bud.”

“Whatever.” Seb stuck his tongue out at me.

“Stick your tongue out again, and I will surely pull it off and staple it to your ass.” I warned him, pointing an accusing finger.

He quickly sucked it back into his mouth without another word.


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