Chapter 16

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Harboring thoughts

Of doubt and confusion

Fearing what’s lost

A selfless conclusion

You’re awaiting the fall

Creating your own appetite

You’re saving it all

You'll do anything to win the fight

Why can’t you fake me a reason why

You choose to blame me for all the times you hide

You can’t mistake me for the enemy tonight

How does it feel

What does it mean to you

Your heart is real

It isn't bulletproof

You can’t conceal all of the things you do

On your way down

*Bulletproof by Evans Blue*

love those guys!!!!

now onto the story...



Chapter 16

Isabelle’s POV

Mandy crossed her arms over her chest, fuming. “You were in jail, Seb?”

Amber decided now was the perfect time to add in her two cents. “Yeah he was. And he’s supposed to still be in there. Another year I think it was.”

Mandy turned around towards Amber with a scowl. “Shut the fuck up, you bitch.”

Amber closed her mouth at that. And the funny thing was that Ash did nothing to defend her. Maybe he thought she should be quiet at a time like this.

I put a fist to my mouth to stop from laughing. This wasn’t at all the best time to laugh, especially with everyone’s attention on Mandy and Seb. But damn did Mandy tell her. That’s what Amber deserves. Someone to put her in her place.

Mandy then turned back to Seb, not anger across her features but mild disbelief. “I want to talk to you privately. Come on.” She told him, taking his arm. The both of them made their way towards the bathroom. I didn’t worry too much about her knowing her way around since she’s been here plenty of times.

“So,” My dad started, clapping his hands together. “That was quite the show.”

Everyone groaned at his comment, knowing he had ruined the mood even more.

“Oh, shut up Joe!” My  mom hissed at him.

At that, Leo laughed again. And of course, Oliver too.

When I started to take a seat back into my chair, Ash grabbed my arm. “Are you dating him?” He asked, gesturing to Oliver who was standing in confusion, trying to decide what he should do next.

“What are you—“

“Because you’re too old for him—“

I stopped him there, setting my hands on my hips. “You think I’m old?”

“Izzy, you know that’s not what I meant. Isn’t he under aged?”

He narrowed my eyebrows at him. “No, he’s actually nineteen. What do you care?”

“I don’t think you should be dating him is all.”

I scoffed and turned my back to him. Now he’s pissed me off. He doesn’t even have to right to tell me who to date and who not to date. “Well I am. Do you have a problem with that?”

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