Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ash’s POV

“Where have you been, Ash?” Amber demanded, a hand on her hip.


“All night?”


She scowled at me disapprovingly. “Were you out with anyone in particular? Like that chick again?”

I sighed in annoyance. For some reason, I get irritated when she talks down to Izzy like she’s nothing. “Her name is Isabelle. Not chick.”

“Whatever.” She started to turn away, but not before adding something else. “And tonight, you’re sleeping on the couch.”

“Amber, don’t be that way.”

“Be what way, Ash? Huh?” She threw her arms up in exasperation. “How the hell would I know if you’re not screwing her on the side?”

I glared at her. “I’d never do that and you know it!”

 “No. I don’t know that!” She yelled. “Ever since we came from Florida and back to your hometown for the wedding, you’ve spent more time with her than your own fiancé! So, of course I’d wonder that. Do you even want to get married anymore?”

“Of course I want to!” I took ahold of her hands, cradling them in mine. She looked up at me in surprise. “I love you, Amber. I really do. Don’t you know that?”

“I…” She shook her head quickly. “Yes. I do know that. It’s just…”

I grinned at her. “You’re jealous.”

“I’m not jealous.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you—“ She suddenly captured my lips with her own. Slowly, she brought up her hand to my face to pull away.

“Okay. Maybe I’m a little jealous.”

“There’s no need to be.” I pinched her nose. She squealed and swatted my hand away. I laughed at her reaction. It was cute. But if I had done that to Isabelle, she’d probably kick me. God, I need to stop thinking about her.

“Yeah, right.” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Really.” I took her hand. “Come on. Let’s head to bed.”

“But it’s only like, twelve in the afternoon.”

I smirked at her seductively. “I didn’t say we were going to sleep, now did I?”

She growled teasingly. “Hmm. This is a new side of you that I’d love to see more. You’re happier than usual.”

Probably Izzy’s doing…It’s like she’s brought out the younger me when I see her. How I used to be.

“You make me happy.” I answered her, pulling her in for another kiss.

“Nu uh uh.” She stopped me halfway by setting a hand firmly against my chest. “You’re so not getting off that easy.”

I sighed.

“From now on, whenever you go out with Isabelle, I want to be there. Every. Single. Time.”

I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from complaining. “Fine. We can start tomorrow when we go shopping for your dress and my tux. Izzy will just tag along.”

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