Chapter 14 Part 1

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I wanted to write more but im too tired to. I'll try to get part two up for yall by tomorrow.



Chapter 14

Isabelle’s POV

I looked over myself in the mirror. I was wearing some tight cargo pants and a green t-shirt with my converse, topped it off with a pair of sunglasses. I grinned at my light touch of makeup, feeling satisfied with my look. “It’s show time, kids.”

“Iz! You ready yet?” Ash called out from the living room.

I nearly jump in my skin at his voice and quickly tied my hair in a messy ponytail. “Yeah! Stop rushing me!” I yelled back at him.

“Then hurry up!” He laughed.

“Fine. No need to tell me twice…” I muttered and made my way out of my bedroom.

Ash’s eyes caught mine as soon as I made it out. His gaze slowly raked over my body and when he caught me looking at him oddly, his eyes snapped back up to mine. His lips formed a sheepish smile. “You look nice.”

I took in his tight gray t-shirt and jeans that hung low at his waist and managed a smile back at him. “Not so bad yourself, Ketchum.”

He rolled his eyes. “I thought I could go a day without you calling me that.”

“You thought wrong.” I grinned.

We made our way outside and my eyes landed on a yellow Lamborghini on the side of the rode. Amber’s head was sticking out of the passenger window, her eyes narrowed at me. I brushed off her glare and turned to Ash.  “New car?”

“Yep. You like it?”

“It’s really nice.” I commented, walking over to run my fingertips over the paint before jumping into the car.

“Glad you like it.” He smiled and got into the car himself.

“Hey Amber. Nice to meet you again.” I smiled at her. When Ash started the car and started to drive off, I glanced behind us quickly and saw that Seb and Oliver was indeed following us. Glad those fools can do at least one thing completely right.

“Nice to meet you again too, Isabelle.” Amber said, looking at me from the rear view mirror.

To make some conversation, I asked, “So, how did the two of you meet?”

“It’s actually pretty boring—“

Amber cut him off abruptly, screaming, “How we met was boring?”

Ash quickly shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I meant—“

“You meant what, Ash?”

“I was just about to say it before you interrupted me again.” He sighed.

I smirked to myself in the backseat. I only wanted to make some conversation so I wouldn’t die of boredom in the car, but this is so much better. It kind of breaks them apart a little more plus it’s like Jerry Springer without the paternity tests! Awesome!

“Yeah, whatever.” Amber finally mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked up at me from the rearview mirror again. I tried to drop my smirk before she say it, but it was too late. I nervously dropped the sunglasses over my eyes.


“Pronovias Bridal Shop is right there.” Ash said to both Amber and I. “My tux place is just across the street.”

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