Chapter 14 Part 2

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Chapter 14 Part 2

Isabelle’s POV

I looked up at Seb with a frown. “It feels weird.”

“No, duh. It is a tux. No chicks wear tuxes.”

“No chicks wear tuxes.” I mocked him, rolling my eyes. “Help me put the tie on.”

He put the tie over my head and started to do knots with them. Eventually, I got dizzy and looked away. I hate ties. They’re so confusing. “Wait…” I leaned in towards Seb, catching a whiff of what cologne he was wearing. More like perfume. “You’re wearing my perfume?”

“Yeah. I needed to match the girl look.” He smiled sheepishly.

“Way to go all out, idiot.” I chuckled.

He yanked lightly at my tie, causing my head to lean down painfully. I moved away from him while rubbing at my sore neck.






“Poop. Seriously, Izzy. You’re losing your comebacks.” Seb laughed, dropping my tie. Finally he was finished.

“I hate you.” I snarled at him.

“I hate you more.” He grinned.

“Idiot.” I growled angrily and stomped out of the dressing room, furiously pulling it a close. Blindingly, I bumped into Ash, my head hitting his chin. “Ow. My bad.”

Ash laughed. “It’s okay. So, are you sure you want to wear that?”

I grinned, swaying my hips in front of the mirror. “You don’t think I look fabulous?”

“I’m not saying that. Just that…you look like a man.”

“Thanks.” I frowned. “Every girl just loves to hear that they look like a dude.”

“I’m kidding! Kidding!” Ash protested.

I turned around to him. “Sure you—Ash!” I yelped when I noticed Seb trying to crawl out of the dressing room unnoticed. And Oliver, right alongside him. Why do they have to be such idiots!?

“What?!” He exclaimed, about to turn around. I grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. He laid stiff in my arms. “What are you doing?”

“I just wanted to show you how much I love you.” I cooed to him nervously, patting him on the back.

“Uh…I love you too?”

I nearly busted out laughing when I saw Seb trip on his heels. Although it would have been hilarious to see him fall on his ass, he found his balance and the two of they stumbled clumsily out of the shop. I snorted at the strange looks the customers gave the pair.

I pulled away from Ash quickly, straightening my tuxedo. “Yeah. Well…you want to try on some more?”

Oliver’s POV

“Let me guess.” I pointed to a brunette girl checking herself out in the mirror. “That’s her.”

Seb snorted. “My sister hates brunettes.”

“Wait. She’s your sister?!”

“I’m guessing Isabelle didn’t tell you?”

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