Chapter 27

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Took me a while to get this chiz up lol. I had a busy weekend. But finally, it's all over. Most of my time was also being taken up by Call of Duty, so...yeah. xD That game's awesome!

Anyways, enjoy enjoy enjoy. You guys deserve it cuz yall got me up to the top half of the what's hot list. Woooow :)



Chapter 27

Isabelle’s POV

“I appreciate you staying there with me even after Amber had went home. That means a lot.” I told Ash as he held open the door for me as we arrived to my apartment. “And you don’t have to hold the door open for me. I have working arms, you know.” I laughed.

Ash caught my eyes and frowned. “I thought you were still kind of—“

“Out of it?” I grinned. “I’m sure the laughing gas has worn off. So, in other words, I’m good.”

“No. That wasn’t what I was going to say.” He said as he lightly pushed me inside so he could close the door. “I was going to say sick. I mean, you just came out of the hospital for having an allergic reaction, Iz.”

“So? Who cares?” I sighed out and threw myself onto the couch. “I’m fine now.”

“Yeah. But what about next time? Or the time after that? Or—“

“Okay! I get it!”

He rolled his eyes and took a seat beside me. I lifted my knees to my chest to give him more room. “What I mean is that you can’t just brush it off like that Izzy. What if this happened when no one was there to help you? Or what if it was worse?”

“But that’s just it, Ash! It wasn’t worse! And someone was there to help me! Okay?!” I angrily jumped up from my seat, purposely bumping him along the way, and made my way over to the kitchen to get something to eat. I never got a chance to eat because the hospital food was beyond gross.

I took an apple out of the fruit basket and bit into it, not even glancing Ash’s way.

“Quit getting mad at me, Izzy.” He complained, pouting at me from the other side of the counter. “You always get mad.”

“Maybe it’s because you make me mad, Ash.” I snapped. “Did you ever think about that?”

“I—Hey. You know what?” Ash grinned. “I think you need an intervention.”

“Inter…Intervention?” I stuttered. All that flashed through my head were the episodes of Intervention on A&E. Those looked terrible. “No way.”

I made a move towards my bedroom, but Ash was faster. He blocked the way so that I was closed in the kitchen. “You’re not going anywhere, Iz.” He said sternly. But by the smile pushing it’s way onto his face, no one could take him seriously.

“I’m not doing an intervention, Ash!” I yelled at him. “Who are you going to bring to host this stuff anyways? Dr. Phil?”

Ash laughed. “No. Why?”

“Isn’t that what they do in the show?” I asked. “Have some doctor or something host it?”

“No! We just need a couple of people.” He assured me, stepping a little closer. I stepped back afraid he’d try to catch me. “Iz, stop being stubborn.”

“Stubborn?” I inquired, stepping all the way back until I was pressed against the edge of the counter. “I’m trying to save my life!”

“From what? It’s not like I’m trying to kill you.”

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