Chapter 15

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Man, this was a good four pages on Microsoft Word and it better be here lol

I actually took my time and planned this out and I gotta say I'm pretty ok with it. I mean, its not fantastic but it's good. Like on a scale one to ten, it's a two :) xD





Chapter 15

Isabelle's POV

After getting talking a little bit with my Aunts and Uncles, I walked over to the kitchen where my mom was busily cooking dinner.

"What else do you need help with, mom?" I asked her, resting my elbows on her wooden counter.

"Um, you can finish up the mashed potatoes for me?"

"Sure." I made my way over to the stove beside her as she cut the vegetables on the cutting board and started to stir the mashed potato mix already cooking on the stove.

"So, who are those other two boys on the couch with Mandy?" My mom suddenly asked from beside me. "Is one of them your boyfriend?"

I snorted. "Eww, mom. Seriously?"

"What? It's not like Mandy has both of them, right?"

I gaped at her.

"Right?" She pressed.

"No, mom. She's not dating both of them." I told her with a sigh. "She's not like that."

"So one of them is your boyfriend."

"No. None of them are. Don't you think I would have told you about it if I did?"

"Nowadays, I'm not so sure about that." My mom turned back to cutting up the carrots. "You barely even talk to me any-"

"Ma!" I snapped, resorting to what I call her when I get irritated. "I really don't want to talk about that right now."

She forcefully set down her cutting knife and turned to me with one hand on her hip. "Then when is a good time to talk about it, Isabelle? We've barely spoken like we used to anymore and I really think it started ever since Ash left. That's why I'm having this dinner. So you can have a chance to talk to him alone. Maybe you two could-"

"He's getting married."


"Married. White dresses, cake, all that good stuff. Whatever I told you a long time ago about him, it's too late to do anything about it. He's not going to be with me and probably never will." I reached over and switched the knob to off on the stove. "Potatoes are done." I told her, stalking off into the living room with the others.

As soon as I came in, Mandy rushed to my side. "Are you okay?"

"Yep. I'm fine." I smiled at her and took a seat between Seb and Oliver. I'm actually surprised that the both of them bothered to dress up for this dinner. Seb had on a dress shirt and pants while Oliver had...a tux printed on his shirt. At least it was something.

Mandy, in a short purple dress that wasn't too slutty but wasn't too innocent, took a seat on Seb's lap and slung an arm over his shoulder. "This is actually kind of nice. I love family dinners."

"Me too. Now Izzy's family dinners on the other hand..." Seb trailed off and flinched, expecting me to lash out at him or something, but I didn't. "Now there's definitely something wrong with her."

"Yeah, there is." Oliver agreed and rested his chin on my bare shoulder, seeing as I was dressed in an orange sundress. "What's wrong Iz?"

"Nothing. I'm just tired is all." I told them. To tell you the truth, what my mom had said in the kitchen was what was bothering me. She's completely right. I haven't talked to her in a while since Ash had left. I don't know why. Maybe it's because when Ash left, I had just felt kind of dead. Kind of like a zombie, aside from the craving for human flesh and brains. Okay, scratch what I just said. God, I'm comparing my life to zombies. I've gone mad...

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