Chapter 8

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This chapter has been written and kept in my laptop for a while now. I just got kinda...stuck on the next part so there's a chance I might revise this chapter...IDK




Chapter 8

 Isabelle's POV

“Ketchum! Wake up!” I hissed, poking at his face. He was sprawled on top of me, his legs over mine, arms wrapped tightly around my waist as if I was his very own teddy bear. I have no idea how he can even hold a grip while unconscious. “Ash! If you don’t wake up—“

“Amber?” He whispered suddenly, untangling himself from me quickly.

I frowned at what he said. Amber? Of course he was thinking about his fiancé. His cheating, lying, gold-digging whore of a fiancé.

He popped an eye open, wincing when he opened the other. “Izzy?”

Finally free of his grasp, I jumped off the bed angrily. “Yep. I bet you didn’t expect it to be me, now did you?” I told him sourly.

“No, I---Ow!” He put a hand to his forehead. “Why is my head killing me?”

“You were drunk last night. Remember?” I reminded him. Before he could say anything else, I turned away towards the kitchen. I pulled open the fridge and pulled out a can of tomato juice and a single stick of celery. Then moved over to my blender and mixed the ingredients. By the time it was finished, Ash sauntered into the kitchen. His hands were still resting on his forehead, rubbing away his headache.

“Okay. So I was drunk. That doesn’t explain what I’m doing in your apartment.” He said. So he doesn’t remember anything? He was that drunk?

I glowered at him.  “I was wondering the exact same thing.”

“What—“ He cut himself off, noticing his tone of voice was hurting his head even more. “What is wrong with you? Are you always angry in the morning?”

I ignored him and unplugged the blender, pouring the blend into a blue cup. “Drink this. It should ease the hangover a bit. You need vitamins.”

“Thanks.” He took it from me and took a sip, nearly dropping it when he retched. “What is that? It’s horrible.”

“It’s tomato juice and celery. That what idiots drink when they go out and get drunk and wake up with a hangover.” I snapped.

“Well sorry that I didn’t expect it to be disgusting.” He snapped back. He gulped it down in one swing while holding his nose.

I glared at him and bit back my retort. “Whatever. I’m going to take a shower. Leave when your done. And your phone’s on the counter over there.”

“Iz, wait.” When he tried to grab my arm, I cringed away from him. He frowned at my actions. “Why are you so angry?”

I bit my lip. Oh, I’m angry because you called your fiancé’s  name at the worst possible moment. Yeah right I can tell him that. “I’m not angry.”

“Yes, you are.” He said. “Tell me.”

“I. Am. Not. Angry.”

“Oh really.” He leaned in closer and stared at me thoughtfully for a moment. “Are you mad at me? Is that it?”

“Just leave me alone, Ash.” I turned away from him and started to my bedroom. He grabbed my arm this time, turning me to face him.

“You called me Ash again. And you only call me that when it’s something serious.” He set both hands on my forearms so I wouldn’t leave again. “So you are mad at me.”

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