Chapter 31

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Another pretty short chapter. But I hope you all like it :) Probably another two or three chapters to go :)




Chapter 31

Isabelle’s POV

“The wedding is today, Iz.” Mandy reminded me once again. “In less than three hours.”

“I know that. But what can I possibly do?” I asked her. “If I go and crash the wedding, Ash will most likely hate me forever. And if I don’t and let him marry Amber, he’ll again, probably hate me forever. Either way I do it, I won’t have him. I don’t know why I got myself into this anymore.”

“Because you love him, Izzy. He deserves someone better then Amber, a lying cheating scum.” She told me sternly. “He deserves you.”

“I doubt that.”

“This was on your doorstep.”

Mandy and I turned around to find Oliver step into my apartment, with a package in his hand that spelled out ‘AIRLINES’. I furrowed my brows and jumped off my couch towards him. “What is it?”

“I don’t know. I just came here.” He told me and handed me the package.

I took it from him and ripped it open. Inside were an envelope and a pretty long white dress. As I pulled out the dress to examine it, Mandy snatched out the envelope and tore it open. “Wow. This dress is really pretty.”

Oliver stared at it. “That looks like the dress Athena wore in that Percy Jackson movie…”

“A Greek dress?” I asked.


“Oh my god! Izzy!” Mandy squealed. “Your parents sent you a ticket to go to Greece!”

“Seriously?” I asked her as she handed me the tickets.


I sighed. “Well, I’m not going.”

“Why not?”

“They didn’t even tell me about them going to Greece in the first place. Plus, I’m more comfortable here.” I walked over to my trashbin and tossed the envelope in the trash.

“Hey! That must’ve cost them a fortune!” Mandy shouted at me.

“Maybe. I’ll pay them back anyways.” I assured her.

“Still…” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Fine.”

“I’m going to keep the dress though.” I grinned and tossed it onto the couch. “So, what brings you here Oliver?”

Oliver dug his hands into his pockets. “I need to talk to you.”

“Okay. Go ahead.”

He glanced at Mandy. “Is it okay if I talk to Izzy alone, Mandy? It’s kind of personal.”

Mandy looked at him blindly for a moment, kind of as if she was looking at something behind him, then jumped off the couch. “Sure! Of course!” She cried, running out the door.

Confused, I turned back to Oliver. “So, what’s so personal?”

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