Chapter Six - Official

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Tom's P.O.V

Tom lay in Y/N's bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling as the sheets covered him from his waist down. He rested his hands against his stomach, his fingers gently tapping an unknown tune against his skin as he just thought. He looked to his side and smiled slightly at the sight of Y/N asleep on her back, her delicate face turned towards him as she slept. He turned on his side so that he was facing her. He couldn't help but let his heart flutter in his chest, his mind still at a loss as to how he'd actually bagged her. After all, from the second that he'd seen her, Tom had thought that she was absolutely stunning, and as they had started talking, he learnt that her amazing looks came with an equally beautiful personality. He could have laid there all morning, just admiring the stunning girl sleep, but instead he wanted to wake her up to so that he could make her laugh, so that he could see her smile, so that he could hear all of the stupid new ways that she'd come up with to tease him. He wanted it all. And he was beyond grateful that he was managing to get it with her.

"How did I get so lucky?" he whispered, his hand raising and gently taking a piece of her hair and tucking it behind her ear. He leant back slightly and continued to contently watch her as her eyes started to flutter open to signify that she was beginning to wake up.

Y/N's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes, my body being pulled out of sleep as I parted my lips into a yawn. I looked around with furrowed eyebrows, slight confusion filling my head as the spare side of my bed wasn't empty like it normally was. But then I realised why. I looked up, butterflies fluttering around in my chest as I saw Tom already awake and looking at me.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Morning, beautiful." He returned.

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked.

"Slept like a log." He smiled. I returned it before leaning forward and kissing him. He kissed back, his arm curling over my waist to pull me closer as we enjoyed the intimate moment. I broke the kiss and gave him a small smile as his gaze danced over my face.

"See? This is already better." He teased. My eyebrows furrowed.

"What is?" I chuckled in confusion.

"I don't have to leave now that we're together. I can stay with you all day." He whispered as his hand gently rubbed up and down my naked back.

"That sounds pretty perfect to me." I smiled and nodded, making him smirk as he leant in and gently kissed me again.

I walked down the street, my eyes glued to my phone as I texted Tom. It had only been a matter of days since we had gone on first our date, but we hadn't stopped talking since, and clearly already missed each other. Butterflies would flutter in my stomach every time that another text came through, my lips involuntarily smiling at everything that the boy said. I was harshly ripped out of my thoughts as I bumped into someone, making me gasp and look up.

"I am so sorry-." My eyes widened, a wave of relief washing over me as I saw that it had only been Haley and Harrison that I had bumped into.

"Oh, my god, thank god that it's only you guys, hi!" I smiled as I hugged Haley.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harrison scoffed teasingly, making me smirk and shake my head as I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"How have you been?" Haley smiled.

"Good, what about you?" I asked.

"We're good, still very much in the honeymoon phase." Haley nodded and looked up at Harrison.

"Yeah, definitely. But in more interesting news, I heard that you and Tom are officially a thing now." Harrison smirked.

"Speak for yourself, asshole." Haley scoffed, making all of us laugh as I smiled and looked down.

"Yeah, we are. He asked me out a week ago." I nodded.

"How did he do it?" Haley asked.

"Just a simple 'will you be my girlfriend?'. He walked me home from our dinner date, and asked me before staying the night." I shrugged. Harrison and Haley smirked at each other.

"So, you guys hooked up five minutes into the relationship?" Harrison teased.

"We met by hooking up, it was bound to happen." I returned, making them both laugh and nod as I thought about how perfect that night had been.

"But, yeah, it was so cute. He was really jokey with it, but I got the sense that that was to cover up that he was maybe really nervous about asking me." I smiled. Harrison's eyebrows furrowed.

"He was nervous about asking you?" he asked. I looked at him, my eyebrows also furrowing at how baffled he looked at that news.

"Yeah, is that...weird or something?" I chuckled nervously, my heart thumping more harshly out of anxiety that Harrison would reveal something else about his best friend, and my boyfriend that maybe I didn't want to know.

"No, no, it's just a bit unusual for Tom. He's a pretty confident guy, so he's usually fine asking girls out. Though, saying that, you're different." He spoke.

"Yeah, so you've said." I playfully rolled my eyes, making Haley chuckle and shake her head as she took Harrison's arm.

"Not in a bad way, not at all. It's just that he's not shut up about you since you first met. Every conversation that we have is about something related to you. I was definitely right about him having fallen for him as soon as you two met." Harrison admitted. I smiled slightly and bit my lip as I looked down, my heart fluttering in my chest at his words. Whilst it was far from the first time that Harrison had told me that Tom loved me already, it only felt better to hear every time that I heard it.

"Oh my god, you love him too!" Haley gasped and smiled. I chuckled and nodded as I looked between them.

"I think that I might, Haley. I think that I might."

The one-night stand - A Tom Holland FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now