Chapter Fourteen - Text messages

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(Please note: just like last chapter, this chapter contains mentions of mild sexual assault. Thank you, and enjoy xxx)

Y/N's P.O.V

My eyes flew open, my body being harshly pulled out of sleep as I was jolted awake by a bang. My eyes widened and I sat up as I heard it again. I gulped harshly, my heart already racing so fast that it was making me feel sick as I looked around mine and Tom's dark bedroom.

"Tommy?" I called out with a shaky voice. I jumped as I heard the sound again, a choke leaving my lips as a tear rolled down my face. Whatever was making those sounds had me fucking terrified, especially as I knew that I had to go out and see what it was. Isn't that the start of every horror movie ever, I thought to myself as I reluctantly stood from our bed. I gulped again, the sound of my blood rushing audible in my ears as I tiptoed to our door. I opened it quietly and walked out, my eyes darting around in order to look for anything that was out of place in the apartment. I jumped again, my hand shooting up to my mouth to stop myself from screaming as another loud sound came from the kitchen. At least now I knew where it was coming from. I took deep but shaky breaths, my body feeling numb as I crept to the doorway of the kitchen. I looked in.

"Jesus, fuck." I sighed in relief, my eyes fluttering shut and waves of relief washing the anxiety away as I discovered the source of the banging. Tom stumbled around the kitchen, my clearly very intoxicated fiancé looking at me as I appeared at the door.

"Oh, hey, love." He giggled drunkenly. I chuckled and shook my head, my mind already knowing that I'd kill Tom tomorrow for scaring the shit out of me. But right now, I just had to look after him.

"How was your stag do?" I asked as I leant against the doorway and crossed my arms over my chest. His eyes wavered slightly, but he nodded anyway.

"Yeah, was good. Was nice to see everyone." He slurred his words slightly as he opened the fridge. I bit my lip and looked at him as I tried not to laugh.

"How drunk are you?" I asked. He shrugged and looked at me over the edge of the fridge door.

"Just a little bit." He giggled again, his nose scrunching up as he raised his fingers and parted them to demonstrate his interpretation of how drunk he was.

"Okay, Tommy, we're going to get you to bed." I nodded as I walked to him and gently wrapped my arms around his waist. He looked down at me and smiled.

"What?" I chuckled. He shook his head, his eyes on my lips as he seemed to just admire me in his drunken state.

"I just love you." He whispered. I smiled, Tom only getting cuter when he was drunk as I leant up and pecked his lips before pulling away again. He giggled as he leant down to kiss me again.

"Okay, no, let's get you to bed." I chuckled as I started to walk him to our bedroom, his arm hanging limp over my shoulder as my arms around his waist supported his weight against my body.

"Can I tell you a secret, sweetheart? It's a really good one." Tom nodded as we stumbled along.

"Sure you can, Tommy." I nodded as I looked up at him. He leant down so his lips were next to my ear, my eyebrows furrowing in curiosity for what he wanted to tell me.

"You're really pretty." He whispered before laughing loudly as we walked into the bedroom. I winced slightly at the fact that he had laughed at volume into my ear, but I chuckled and shook my head anyway as I finally put him down on the bed gently.

"Thank you, Tommy. You're very handsome." I smiled. He returned it before leaning up kissing me again. I returned it and gently cupped his cheek, giving the boy what he wanted briefly so that I could finally make him go to sleep. I broke the kiss and looked down at him.

"Come on, Tommy." I sighed as I put the covers over his body, making him groan in defiance, but he didn't put up any more of a fight as his head landed against the pillow.

"Goodnight, my love." He yawned as he closed his eyes.

"Goodnight, Tom." I sighed as I climbed back in next to him. I couldn't help but smile as his arms wrapped around my waist, even in his drunken state. I leant in and gently pecked his lips once more before resting my head back against my pillow, and closing my eyes too.

Tom's P.O.V

Pain swept harshly through Tom's head, overwhelming waves of nausea in his stomach also accompanying the hangover as the boy slowly but surely started to wake up. A groan left his lips, his mouth feeling dryer than a desert as he slowly forced his eyes open. They squinted to protect Tom's banging head from the harsh morning light as it flooded into the room. He'd drunk way too much last night, and he knew that because he was hungover, and he never got hungover.

"Jesus fucking Christ." He moaned as he rolled over to wrap his arm around Y/N's waist. His eyes fluttered open again as his arm collided with the sheets instead. He forced himself to sit up slightly, his body resting on his elbows and his messy brown hair falling over his eyes as he did. He looked at his bedside table and smiled slightly at what he saw. He leant over to read the note that Y/N had left along with the aspirin and water.

Have an early appointment today for my wedding dress, and I know that you're going to feel like shit, so have some aspirin. Love you xx-Y/N.

"I do not deserve that girl." He chuckled and shook his head before popping an aspirin into his mouth and downing it with water. His eyes squeezed shut at the horrible feeling of the pill going down his throat, but he knew that once it kicked in, he'd feel all the better for it. Suddenly, his phone buzzed with a text. His eyes drifted nonchalantly towards it, his mind expecting it to either be Y/N, Harrison, or one of his brothers as the screen lit up.

Unknown: Morning, big boy ;)       

Tom's eyebrows furrowed as he picked up his phone and typed a message back.

Tom: Sorry, who is this?

Unknown: It's Jane, silly. The girl from the club ;)

Tom's eyes widened, his heart virtually stopping in his chest as a few of the memories from last night started to come back to him. The fact that he had said no to her, but she'd followed him into the bathroom anyway, and had kissed him. The current problem was that Tom couldn't remember for the life of him if he'd kissed back, but even if he hadn't, who was to say that Y/N would believe that if she saw one of the texts from this woman? That was another thing. Surely, he hadn't gotten so drunk that he had given that girl his number, especially after she'd sexually assaulted him.

Tom: You need to stop texting me. Delete my number and forget whatever happened last night.

Unknown: Do you really not remember what we did last night? Oh, you're in trouble, big boy ;)


Tom gulped, anxiety flooding the boy's heart as he desperately tried to remember if anything more had happened with this girl apart from her kissing him, and him maybe, but also maybe not, kissing back. But no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remember. He couldn't remember. He looked back at his phone, his Adam's apple bobbing at the messages.

"Fucking hell." He mumbled before going through and starting to delete all of the messages.

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