Chapter Twenty-six - Tom's trip to America

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~Five months later~

I lay on the sofa, my hands rested against my now eight-month-pregnant bump as I watched TV. I looked up and gave Tom a small smile as my husband walked into the room.

"Legs up, darling." He spoke as he leant down and gently tapped my legs. I playfully rolled my eyes and lifted them, allowing him to sit down on the sofa before putting my legs over his lap.

"So, that was Harry on the phone." He sighed. I looked at him, my eyebrows furrowing at his exacerbated tone.

"Okay." I nodded slowly.

"He wants me to fly out to America to see him for a week." He stated as he looked at me. My eyes widened.

"Oh, that sounds awesome! I'm jealous that I can't go, too." I smiled.

"I didn't say that I was going, sweetheart." He sighed. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Why not? He's your brother, and you haven't seen him since he moved out there, it'll be nice to visit him." I scoffed.

"Yeah, but now doesn't feel like a good time with how close you're getting to your due date, darling. He wants me to fly out this Saturday. I'll be worrying the entire time that the baby will come early." He sighed again. I returned it and bit my lip. I understood why Tom was worried, but he hadn't seen Harry for a couple of years since we'd settled down in Kingston, and his brother had settled down in America, and so I didn't want him to not go and miss this opportunity out of fear of missing our daughter's birth.

"It'll be okay, Tommy. She isn't due for another three weeks, you'll still have two weeks by the time that you get back." I reassured.

"Yeah, but what if she comes early? I am not missing my daughter's first breath." He scoffed and shook his head. I sighed and looked at him sympathetically.

"Tommy, I promise that it'll be okay. I suggest that you go, and then if she does come early, you can just get on a plane, and come back. It's not like you'll have to buy a ticket and stuff, I'm sure that RDJ will let you borrow his jet to make sure that you don't miss her birth." I teased. He chuckled and nodded, my husband playfully rolling his eyes at me as he placed his hand against my bump.

"Will you guys be okay while I'm gone?" he asked as he moved his thumb against my stomach.

"Of course we will be. I know that you fancy yourself as an overprotective husband and dad, but we can survive for a week without you, Tommy." I chuckled. He returned it and nodded as he looked at me.

"Okay. I guess that I'm going to America, then." He smiled.

"Good." I returned his smile, making him chuckle as I leant in and kissed him.

Tom and I walked into the airport, our hands joined, fingers intertwined, and my spare hand cupping my bump as we walked in.

"Which flight is yours?" I asked as both of us looked up at the 'flights' board.

"Erm, AC195. Fuck, it's on time." He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, making me look at him.

"Which is bad?" I teased with a chuckle. Tom sighed and looked down at me, tears already pricking his gorgeous chocolate eyes as they flicked over my face.

"I don't want to leave you, darling. Either of you." He mumbled as he gently cupped my bump and looked down at me. I sighed and gave him a sympathetic smile as I put my hand on his arm in an attempt to soothe him.

"I know, Tommy, but you deserve this break. You've not left my side for the entire eight months. Don't get me wrong, I've loved it, and you've been an amazing dad before she's even here, but you deserve a break before she gets here." I reassured as I gently rubbed my hand up and down his arm. He sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, love, you're right, you're right. I just wish that you could come with me." He chuckled and shrugged.

"Trust me, I wish that I could come too. But never mind, come on, you. Let's get your luggage checked in." I spoke, making him give me a small smile as I kissed his jawline before we walked to the check-in desk.

Tom and I sat in the airport's departure lounge, his hand gently massaging my thigh and my head resting against his shoulder as we waited for his flight to be opened. As if on cue, the intercom above us buzzed into life.

"Flight AC195 is ready to board." It sounded. Tom sighed and looked at me, making me give him a small smile as we stood up. He took my hand and intertwined our fingers together as he grabbed his bag, and walked us to the gate.

"You'll call me the moment that you feel anything, yeah, sweetheart?" he asked worriedly, his beautiful eyes laced with anxiety as they flicked over my face.

"If I feel anything. There's still two weeks until my due date, Tommy." I reassured. He sighed and nodded, his eyes flicking down to my bump as he let go of my hand, but cupped my bump with it instead.

"We'll be fine. She'll wait for her daddy to come back. Just have fun, and enjoy time with Harry." I nodded, making him return it.

"Okay, love. Fuck, you're right, this is my week to relax before she gets here." He replied.

"Exactly, Tommy." I smiled, making him bite his lip as he got down on one knee, and held my bump.

"One week. That's all that you have to wait." He chuckled, making me smile and bite my lip as I lowered my hand to gently stroke my fingers through his hair.

"I love you so much, sweetheart. Stay safe, and try not to kick your mummy too hard." He smiled up at me, making me chuckle and playfully roll my eyes as he kissed my bump through my top before rising back to his feet.

"I love you too, darling." He spoke before leaning in and gently kissing me. I returned the kiss, my eyes fluttering shut as I curled my hands around the back of his neck to pull him closer. He broke the kiss after a second and hugged me tightly. I held onto him, my fingers gently playing with the curls at the nape of his neck as I tried not to cry with the fact that I was about to have a week by myself, whilst Tom was on the other side of the Atlantic.

"I love you too, Tommy. We'll both be fine for a week." I reassured. He sighed and nodded, my husband giving me a small smile as he pulled away and picked up his bag again. He leant in and pecked my lips once more, me returning his small smile and my hands resting against my bump as he walked through the gate, and disappeared within seconds.

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