Chapter Seven - The cracks start to show

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~Six months later~

I walked along the street, my shoes clicking against the pavement as I walked to meet Haley for coffee. And I had to admit, it felt good to be out of the house. And away from Tom. I walked into the café and looked around, my eyes scanning over the heads of people eating and talking as I tried to spot Haley. I smiled at her as I saw her, her returning it and standing up as I walked up to the table.

"Y/N!" she squealed, making me laugh as she hugged me tightly.

"Hey, love." I smiled as we sat down.

"How have you been?! It feels like it's been ages since we've had a good catch up." She sighed and shook her head.

"Yeah, same old, nothing new, but never mind me, I want to know how married life is treating you." I smiled.

"Oh, babe, it's really good, you need to try it one day. Harrison and I have never gotten on so well, and we're even thinking about having a baby." She admitted. My eyes widened.

"Aww, that's huge! Oh my god, I hope that you get pregnant soon, because I'm desperate to be an auntie!" I exclaimed.

"And I can't wait to be a mum! Oh, you'll never guess what Harrison did the other day. So, as a spontaneous gesture, he packed our bags, and took me to Paris for the weekend!" She squealed. My eyes widened slightly, my heart admittedly starting to sink the more that I listened to Haley talk about how perfect her life with Harrison was going. I knew that that was bad, I knew that I should have been so excited for my best friend, and I was. But the fact that Tom and I's relationship was going nowhere near as smoothly hurt. She just didn't know that yet.

"Paris? Wow." I gulped.

"And when we got back, the garden was all done up with fairy lights, and a little picnic and our song was playing. It was so romantic." She gushed and shook her head.

"Sounds it." I chuckled and nodded as I desperately tried to sound happy for her.

"How are you and Tom then, huh?" she smirked. I gulped and let my eyes wander, my heart only aching more as I thought about the question and looked anywhere but at Haley.

"We're good, yeah. We're happy." I nodded. Her smile dipped slightly.

"You don't really sound happy, babe." She gulped. I returned it and I looked down as I tried to swallow the tears. I felt so stupid for already getting upset over this, but it had been eating me alive for the last few weeks. Because the truth was that mine and Tom's relationship had reached somewhat of a standstill. Of course the boy still treated me with love and kindness, but most of the time now, it felt like he was only treating me like that to get something out of me...or rather, get something in me. We had been together for half a year, and he had yet to say that he loved me in a context that didn't lead to us in the bedroom, he had yet to pull off any romantic gestures like what Harrison had done for Haley. Of course I wasn't asking to be swept away to another country for a weekend. But he would even fail to suggest simple dates, like cuddling in our pyjamas in front of our favourite movie. But no. If it didn't include sex, Tom didn't seem to be interested. And that really fucking hurt.

"I don't know, I just...we've been together for six months, and he's still only really interested in the sex. Like, he's said 'I love you', don't get me wrong, but he only tends to say it when he wants to initiate stuff, he never actually shows me that he loves me. It's like the only part of the relationship that he actually wants is the part where he gets to fuck me." I admitted, my eyes wavering as tears started to prick them. Haley sighed and gave me a sorry smile as she leant forward and gently put her hand over mine.

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