Chapter Thirty-two - Saying goodbye to Tom

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~Three months later~

My eyes fluttered open, every inch of my body aching and stiff as I slowly came to. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut, the stiffness due to the fact that I had fallen asleep in the hospital chair outside of Tom's hospital room, with Olivia still asleep on my lap. I gulped and looked into my husband's room, my heart sinking like it always did when I saw that he still wasn't awake. Of course the logical side of me knew that that wasn't going to happen, but my mind still refused to process that. It had now been three months since Tom had gotten into the accident and slipped into a coma, and the outcome of this situation only looked worse by the day. Tom's parents and brothers had come and said goodbye to him a few days ago, all of us starting to accept the heartbreaking truth that it was better for Tom to unplug the life support. He wouldn't have wanted to live like this, his mind gone and his body being forced to continue living with countless tubes and wires connecting him to machines. All of us knew that he wouldn't want to stay like this, but that didn't make it any easier to say goodbye. I looked up and gave Harrison a half-arsed and tired smile as he came down the corridor towards us.

"Y/N, we need to talk." He mumbled. My eyebrows furrowed.

"About Tom?" I asked quietly. He nodded as he sat down next to me.

"I just talked to the doctor." He spoke and looked at me. My eyes wavered, making Harrison sigh and nod.

"Yeah. They're turning off his life support today." He admitted quietly. I bit my lip and shook my head, tears already leaving my eyes and slipping down my face at his words.

"Harrison, no, I'm not ready." I choked.

"I know, none of us are, but it's been three months. Even if he does wake up, he'll be brain-dead. He won't know who you are, he won't know who Olivia is. He'll have no quality of life. This is the kindest thing for him." He nodded. I returned it and bit my lip, my mind knowing that Harrison was right, but my heart refusing to accept the fact that I was about to lose the love of my life.

"I know, I just don't want him to go. He's never going to meet his second child, he can't go before that, surely." I cried and shook my head. He nodded, tears also leaving his eyes as he rested his hand on my knee in an attempt to soothe me.

"I know, Y/N. I know." He mumbled. I stared ahead, everything in me feeling so fucking numb as I tried to get my thoughts in order enough so that I could actually process what I was thinking.

"I want to say goodbye to him." I mumbled. Harrison flicked his eyes up to look at me.

"Y/N, I'm not sure that that's a good idea-."

"Harrison, he is my life. He's been my husband for five years, five years that should have stretched out to fifty, but we've been robbed of that. We have a daughter, plus a son on the way. I need to say goodbye to him, not to mention that he's never going to meet his son, he needs to meet his son in some way." I cried and shook my head, my brain pounding against my skull as a result of how much I'd cried. He sighed and nodded, tears also leaving his eyes as he gave me a small smile.

"Okay. Do you want to take Olivia in?" he asked.

"I have to let her say goodbye." I choked. Harrison nodded as he stood up, me following suit as complete silence crept over us. I picked Olivia up as I stood, our daughter's eyes fluttering open as I carried her into Tom's room. More tears left my eyes as I saw him just lying there, completely lifeless apart from the almost unnoticeable rise and fall of his chest. He was nothing more than a shell now, the man lying in this bed the polar opposite to the man that I had fallen in love with, what should have been fifty years ago, but had been drastically reduced to five because of fucking cruel twists of life. I sat in the chair next to his bed with Olivia on my lap, my hand stroking through her hair as I looked down at her.

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