Chapter Twenty-Four - Positive

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~Three months later~

Y/N's P.O.V

I stood in the bathroom, my lip in between my teeth and my heart pounding so violently in my chest that I felt slightly sick as I waited for the lines on the pregnancy test to come up. I put it down as I waited for the lines to show up and ran my hands through my hair, deep breaths leaving my lips as I did. After all, both Tom and I were desperate for a baby, and had been trying since we decided that we wanted one, four or so months ago now. But this was the first month that I had reason to think that it had worked. I hadn't told Tom this, but I had expected my period last week. It had never come, and then I had started to feel sick and develop weird food cravings too. I had wanted children for long enough to know the common signs of pregnancy, and I was displaying every single one of them.

"Please be positive, please be two lines, for the love of god, please." I mumbled quietly. My eyes widened, a choke leaving my lips and my heart jumping as two lines showed up on the test. Showing positive for pregnancy.

"Shit." I scoffed, a breathless laugh leaving my lips and tears pricking my eyes as I stared at it. I was pregnant, I was actually pregnant. Tom and I were going to be parents, after only a few months of trying too. Now, it was just a matter of telling him that so that we could start this journey together. I puffed out, my heart racing violently and my mind trying to keep my emotions in check as I shoved the test into the drawer before shutting it and looking at my reflection in the mirror. I took a deep breath and bit my lip, tears leaving my eyes as I couldn't help but smile. I was going to be a mother. And already, I felt so much love for the life that I had just found out was growing inside of me. I cleared my throat and wiped my tears in an effort to compose myself before opening the door. I gasped, my eyes widening as I walked straight into Tom's chest.

"Woah!" My husband also exclaimed, his eyes widening and his hands quickly grabbing my arms to stop me from falling due to the impact. We stared at each other with wide eyes, my heart almost exploding out of my chest as he looked at me.

"You okay there, sweetheart?" he chuckled as he looked at me, his eyebrow raised in amusement at my shocked reaction. I gulped harshly and desperately tried to think of an excuse as to why I had been so surprised.

"U-um, yeah." I smiled as I shut the door and stood in front of it as I held the handle. His eyes narrowed, his mouth forming into an 'O' shape as he clearly doubted me.

"What are you hiding?" he returned my smile. My eyes widened further, and I gulped as my heart raced in my chest. Sometimes, I hated how well he knew me.

"I, erm...I was just looking for something, and I sort of made a mess of the bathroom." I lied. I knew that it was a terrible lie, but it was the only plausible one that I could think of.

"Oh, well, I'll tidy it up." He shrugged as he reached around me for the handle.

"No, no, it's fine, I'll sort it out later." I nodded as I stepped back and moved closer to the door so that my back was pressed to the surface. He smirked and shook his head at me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"What are you hiding, darling?" he smirked and bit his lip.

"Why do I have to be hiding something?" I chuckled and shrugged as I tried to blag my way out of this.

"My love, you forget that we've known each other for five years, I know when you're acting strange." He stated, his lips still curled into an amused smile as he flicked his eyes over my face. I shook my head and bit my lip, my mind having figured out that I was doing more damage by talking, so I was better off just blocking Tom's access to the door.

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