Chapter Seventeen - Happiness can never last forever

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"So, what's for dinner tonight?" Tom asked, the pair of us walking down the pavement with our hands joined and our fingers intertwined as he looked down at me. I sighed and bit my lip as I thought.

"I can't be arsed to cook, can we just go out instead, or order in?" I asked.

"And that, is why I love you, darling." He chuckled, making me smile and bite my lip as he looked down at our intertwined fingers. We continued to walk along the street, my eyes drifting to casually people watch as we watched along the bustling pavement. My eyes drifted to the opposite pavement before they widened.

"Oh my god, is that Jackie?" I scoffed, making Tom follow my gaze.

"Sorry, who?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"She was my first roommate in uni. But then she moved away, so we only shared a flat for a year. Had fun, though." I nodded.

"I bet that you did." Tom smirked teasingly as his chocolate eyes looked down at me. I playfully rolled my eyes and shook my head and my fiancé's insanely immature joke.

"Not like that, you dickhead." I chuckled, making him smile and kiss my head as I looked back at her.

"Fuck it, I think that I'll go and say hi to her." I decided as I let go of Tom's hand. I started to cross the road, a smile on my lips and my hand waving to Jackie to make my presence known to her as I walked. Suddenly, a car horn went off. I looked to my side and my heart immediately stopped. My eyes widened, time almost stopping around me, but that didn't stop the car as it sped towards me.

"Y/N, NO!" I screamed as Tom's body rammed into me, a groan leaving my lips as I was pushed to the ground. I panted heavily, my eyes wide and my heart beating so fast with adrenaline that it was making me feel sick as I stared at the concrete of the road. And desperately tried to comprehend the fact that I wasn't in pain. I hadn't been hit by the car. I gulped and sat up, my hands pushing against the concrete to sit myself up as I looked around. I sighed in relief as it started to click that I'd been pushed onto the pavement and out of the danger of the car's path. But then, I noticed. Tom wasn't next to me. My eyes widened, the worst feeling that I'd ever had in my life quickly creeping over every inch of my body as I looked into the road. A knot formed in my stomach, tears pricking my eyes as my worst fears started to be confirmed as I saw the car stopped in the road, with Tom lying in front of it with his eyes shut. Fuck.

"TOM!" I screamed as I scrambled to my feet and ran to him. I dropped down onto my knees next to him and took his face into my hands, tears already starting to leave my eyes at the gravity of what had just happened. Tom had pushed me out of the way of the oncoming car, but had been hit himself in the process. And, he was now unresponsive too.

"Tommy, wake up, babe, come on, please." I choked and shook my head, my trembling hands wiping his hair out of the cut that was now above his eyebrow. His eyes remained shut, making me choke and shake my head as everything in me begged him to open his eyes and let me see the beautiful chocolate colour of them. After all, this couldn't be it, it couldn't be.

"What do I do?" I looked over my shoulder, my eyes wavering as I saw the man who had climbed out of the car.

"Call the paramedics." I ordered before turning back to Tom. I gulped and my eyes widened, my mind allowing itself the tiniest bit of hope as he slowly but surely opened his eyes.

"That's it, Tommy, look at me, you're okay." I nodded, tears pricking my eyes as I desperately tried to do my best to reassure him, and keep him calm.

"It hurts." He whispered.

"What hurts, Tom?" I asked.

"Everything. It just...hurts." He croaked as his eyes squeezed shut again. I nodded and bit my lip, my mind racing as I tried to figure out what to do until help arrived. Not that there was much that I could do.

"Okay, that's okay, the paramedics will be here soon, and they'll stop it from hurting." I reassured. Tom gave me a weak smile, his beautiful eyes flicking over my face as he did.

"I love you, sweetheart. I love you." He whispered before closing his eyes again. My gaze widened again.

"No, Tommy, no, I need you to keep your eyes open." I gulped, causing him to open them slightly.

"You're so beautiful." He smiled slightly, though the weakness in his voice was only making me more worried and scared for his state by the second.

"Thank you, Tommy, now stay awake for me, okay? Stay awake." I encouraged, my tears falling onto his shirt as I tightly gripped his hand. Suddenly, I heard sirens. I looked over my shoulder, my eyes wavering and a choke leaving my lips as an ambulance pulled up and paramedics rushed towards us within seconds.

"Ma'am, who are you, and what happened?" the paramedic asked as he collapsed on his knees next to me.

"I'm his fiancé, he got hit by that car." I choked.

"Has he been conscious since being hit?" he asked, the paramedic looking at Tom as he got all of the kit out that he needed.

"Yeah, but only just. Please save him, I can't lose him." I cried and shook my head.

"I promise, ma'am, that we're going to do everything that we can to save your fiancé." He nodded before resting his head against Tom's chest. I gulped harshly and watched him as he listened for a few seconds before leaning back up again.

"I have a heartbeat and breathing, I need a team over here now!" he demanded as he waved over the rest of the paramedics.

"Ma'am, you need to move." My eyes widened as a pair of hands got placed on my shoulders, another paramedic trying to stand me up and pull me away from Tom, but I wasn't budging.

"No, let me go, I need to be with him." I choked.

"Ma'am, we need to do our jobs." She insisted.

"Please, let me stay, I'm begging you, please, you have to save him and you have to let me stay with him!" I cried.

"We will do our best, ma'am, but you need to move back." The paramedic nodded.

"No, please, I need to be with him." I choked.

"Jason, move her, will you?" she said to the other paramedic. My eyes widened.

"Please, I'm begging you to let me stay with him!" I cried as the other paramedic nodded and walked to me.

"Come on, ma'am, we can save your fiancé, but you need to move." He spoke, my body involuntarily giving in, and letting him move me as he gently took my arms and helped me up.

"He's all that I have, please, I can't lose him!" I sobbed as he moved me away from Tom.

"He's going to be okay." He reassured. I choked and shook my head as I stared at Tom through the chaos. His eyes opened slightly as the paramedics moved around him. But his attention wasn't on them. His beautiful chocolate eyes stared into my own through everything, not seeing anyone else but me. Tears ran down my face as he lifted his shaky hand up and towards me, making my eyes widen.

"He wants me there, please let me be with him!" I screamed, my entire body numb but also filled with pins and needles somehow at the same time as I begged the paramedic to let me go back to Tom. Whilst I was begging for Tom to be okay, to live through this, if this was it for him, I sure as fuck needed to be next to him if it was about to end.

"It's best for him if you're not, ma'am." the paramedic insisted. I choked as I stared at him through the madness, a tear rolling down my cheek as his eyes closed again, and the paramedics closed around him, my entire world feeling like it was crumbling as everything got increasingly numb by the second.

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