Chapter Twenty-three - Baby fever

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~Two years later~

Tom drove us along the road, his hand on my thigh as he drove us to Haley and Harrison's house to babysit their baby daughter, Melissa. Tom and I had been married for two years now, and it had been the definition of blissful. We'd been living our best married life for two years, with me always going with Tom to different locations for his filming, and then the pair of us exploring the sights on his days off. But now, something felt slightly different about our relationship. Nothing bad, but it felt like both of us were getting ready to settle down for good, and start a family together. So, I guessed that we just had to see if that would come to fruition. I snapped out of my thoughts, a quiet sigh leaving my lips as Tom stopped the car in front of Harrison and Haley's house, and we climbed out.

"Let's go, love." He nodded, making me return it and give him a small smile as he took my hand and walked us up the path. I rang the doorbell, the pair of us just standing there as we waited for a response. It opened after a moment to reveal Haley.

"Hey, guys, come in." she smiled as she stepped aside so that we could get in.

"Hey. Where's the little princess?" Tom smiled, making me playfully roll my eyes at how much Tom loved his niece as Haley shut the door behind us.

"Probably with her father, as per usual. She's such a daddy's girl." She chuckled.

"Well, that makes two of us." I mumbled quietly to Tom, making him smirk and kiss my head as Harrison walked out with their baby daughter, Melissa, in his arms.

"Hello, you." Tom cooed as he took her from Harrison, causing her to squeal and laugh as Tom smiled widely at her.

"Thank you so much for this, guys. We haven't been out since she was born." Haley sighed.

"Let alone had sex." Harrison chuckled, making Haley's eyes widen.

"Harrison?! Fuck you!" She exclaimed as she slapped his arm.

"What? We're all adults here, love." Harrison teased, Haley playfully rolling her eyes as Tom and I chuckled.

"Well, you guys go out, have fun, get laid, do whatever you want." I smiled.

"Definitely." Harrison smirked and nodded.

"Okay, sweetie, be good for Uncle Tom, and Auntie Y/N, and we'll see you tomorrow." Haley spoke before kissing Melissa's cheek.

"See you tomorrow, my darling." Harrison smiled as he also kissed Melissa's head.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with us." Tom reassured as he gently bopped Melissa up and down, the baby squealing and chewing on her tiny fist as she stared at all of us.

"See you guys tomorrow." Haley smiled as they walked out the door.

"See you!" I called, my hand waving and Tom gently making Melissa's closed fist wave too as they got into the car, and started to drive away. I turned to Tom and Melissa as I shut the front door.

"And then, there were three." I chuckled, making Tom smile and kiss Melissa's cheek as the baby girl squealed and cooed.

I walked into the living room, a smile immediately curling onto my lips at the sight of Tom sitting on the sofa, looking down at Melissa who was asleep in his arms. He smiled down at her, but looked at me and gave me a small smile instead as I sat next to him.

"You're so good with her." I smiled as I put my feet up on the sofa and rested my legs against his.

"Thanks." He chuckled, his eyes glued to Melissa as he just admired the baby girl. He continued to look at his niece, his eyes filled with such pure love for her as they focused on her small and sleeping face.

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