Chapter Thirty-one - It all comes crumbling down

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I sat in the kitchen with Olivia on my lap as I drank my coffee, Olivia aimlessly pointing at the pictures in her storybook as she entertained herself. Suddenly, Tom rushed in, making me look up at him.

"Sweetheart, what time is it?" he gulped as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Erm, half ten." I spoke and nodded as I looked at my phone.

"Shit, I was meant to meet Harrison at quarter past for coffee, I need to go." He sighed, my husband looking frantic and dishevelled as he took a sip of my coffee.

"Have a good time." I smiled.

"Will do." He chuckled before taking my face and gently pecking my lips before letting me go again.

"Give daddy a kiss." He smiled at Olivia. She puckered her lips and pecked Tom's.

"Good girl. See you later, my love." He smiled, making me return it as he kissed my head before leaving the kitchen.

I sat on the floor of mine and Tom's living room, Olivia sat next to me as we read her book.

"And what does that say, darling?" I asked as I pointed to the word 'beautiful' in Olivia's book.

"Pretty." She giggled as she looked up at me with eyes that were identical to Tom's.

"Close enough." I chuckled and shrugged as the doorbell rang. I sighed, my eyes rolling to myself as I stood up and headed to the door. I opened it, my eyes widening as Harrison stood there, panting heavily.

"Harrison, what's going on?" I asked.

"Tom was in a car accident. It's bad, Y/N, it's bad." He gulped and shook his head. My eyes widened, my heart plummeting to my feet like it never had before as Harrison spoke. Of course we'd been down this road before with Tom, and of course he'd been okay, but there was no guarantee that this time around would have the same outcome.

"Oh my god." I choked and shook my head as I raised my already shaking hand to my mouth.

"Y/N, get Olivia, and come with me now." He demanded.

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming." I choked again as I rushed back in. I picked Olivia up and grabbed my bag, my heart in my throat, and my anxiety almost killing me at the thought that this had happened again as I rushed out with Olivia in my arms.

We ran into the hospital, my heart thumping so harshly that I felt sick, and tears already streaming down my face as I desperately looked around.

"Y/N, he's through here." Harrison spoke. I nodded as I followed him into the room. My eyes widened as I saw him, a choke leaving my lips as my eyes fell on my husband. Tom was lying unconscious on the bed, covered in cuts and bruises, with an oxygen mask clipped to his septum and too many tubes to count coming out of his arms and attaching him to a life support machine as he just lay there. This was already so much worse than when he'd been hit by the car, I can already tell that, and I didn't know if he'd make it through this in time. And that, in turn, was killing me just as much.

"Oh my god." I choked and shook my head, tears immediately starting to leave my eyes as I raised my shaking hand to cover my mouth.

"Y/N, maybe Olivia shouldn't be seeing this." Harrison mumbled, the boy looking at me sympathetically as he put his hand on my arm. I bit my lip and nodded, my eyes and mind too focused on Tom's state to consider anything else as I handed Olivia to him. Harrison gave me a small smile, our best friend resting his hand reassuringly against my shoulder before he left with our daughter. I sat down next to Tom and took his hand, tears silently leaving my eyes as I just looked at him. His eyes were closed, his skin seemingly paler than it had been just this morning as I grasped his hand in my own.

"You're going to be okay, Tommy. You're going to be okay." I cried and shook my head, my heart breaking over the fact that this had somehow happened again as I raised his hand, and gently kissed the back of it.

I sat in the doctor's office with Olivia on my lap, and Harrison and Haley sat next to me as we waited. My entire body felt fucking numb, my eyes just staring into space as I desperately tried, and failed, to comprehend what had happened. The fact that Tom had been in another car accident, and was significantly more injured than he had been the first time.

"You okay?" Haley asked quietly. I shook my head, my eyes staring into space as I just rested my cheek against Olivia's hazel curls that were identical to Tom's. Suddenly, the door opened, all three of us looking up as the doctor walked in.

"Mrs. Holland?" he asked as he sat down.

"That's me." I gulped thickly as my head nodded.

"Nice to meet you, although the circumstances are devastating. I'm doctor Peters, I'm Tom's doctor." He spoke. I bit my lip and looked at him, every inch of my self-control going into keeping myself together as only one question went through my head. And I was going to ask it.

"First things first, I'm so sorry to tell you that your husband is now in a coma as a result of the car accident-."

"I want to know what happened." I cut him off. He looked at me as his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" he asked.

"I want to know what happened. I want to know what happened that made Tom slip into a coma." I nodded, my eyes wavering as a tear left my eye.

"From what we've gathered, his car was hit by a truck that went through a red light. The side of the car that he was in was crushed." He stated. My eyes widened, my heart plummeting to my feet like it never had before as an incredible numbness started to creep over my entire body at his words. This wasn't good. It really wasn't fucking good.

"Oh my god." Harrison mumbled and shook his head, tears leaving all three of our eyes as we tried to process this news. The doctor nodded and looked at us.

"It's bad, Mrs. Holland. I'm sorry." He spoke.

"So, what does the coma mean? When will he wake up?" I choked and shook my head. The doctor sighed, his eyes flicking to look at Olivia before looking back at me.

"I don't think that your daughter should hear what I'm about to say." He muttered and shook his head. My eyes widened, the uncontrollable sickness that had taken my body over was getting worse by the second, getting worse by the word that the doctor was uttering. This wasn't how mine and Tom's story was supposed to end, this wasn't how our lives were meant to go. We were supposed to grow old together, Tom was meant to walk Olivia down the aisle, we were meant to go to hers and our baby's graduations and be so fucking proud of them. He wasn't supposed to get into such a horrible accident and be taken from us so soon. Be taken from me so soon.

"That's okay. I'll take her out, Harrison, stay with Y/N." Haley nodded as she stood up and took Olivia from me. I barely even felt her take Olivia from my arms, my eyes glued unwaveringly to the doctor as Haley left the room.

"Please just say it. I can't wait any longer, please just say it." I choked and shook my head as tears silently streamed down my face. The doctor sighed and flicked his eyes to Harrison, making my best friend reach across and take my hand. I let him, my entire being numb as the doctor looked back at me.

"As you already know, Mrs. Holland, Tom is in a coma. Now, this coma was caused by the brain damage that he suffered as a result of the accident. I'm afraid that the brain damage means the chances of him ever waking up are very slim." He admitted. I choked and shook my head, my mouth hanging open as my hands started to tremble uncontrollably. My mind wasn't processing this, my head wasn't allowing me to believe the apparent truth that Tom wasn't going to come back to us. That I would never see the eyes that I had fallen in love with again.

"And what happens if he does?" I asked, my voice shaking as my eyes wavered.

"If he wakes up, he'll be completely brain-dead. He won't be able to talk, move, eat, he potentially won't even remember you or your daughter." He mumbled. My eyes widened further, the situation somehow getting worse by the second as my heart felt so fucking numb that I didn't even know if it was beating anymore.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Holland. Your husband is gone."

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