Chapter Thirty - Accidental pregnancy

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~Three months later~

Tom and I sat at the table, Olivia in her baby chair next to Tom as we ate. Well, Tom and Olivia ate. I stared down at my plate of food, more waves of nausea filling me the longer that I looked at it.

"Sweetheart, you okay?" I looked at Tom, my lips forcing a small smile onto them as my husband looked at me worryingly.

"Yeah, I just feel a bit sick." I nodded.

"Oh. Is it the food?" he asked.

"No, no, I don't think so, there's this bug going around work, it'll pass." I smiled and nodded, making Tom return it. In reality, I knew exactly what was making me sick. And it wasn't the food. More, it was the fact that Tom and I had accidentally had unprotected sex the night of Haley's birthday party. If I was honest, I had no idea why Tom had thought that I had been on birth control, but the fact was that I hadn't been. And now, I suspected that I was now pregnant with our second child. The problem was that I had no idea how he'd react to that news.

"I'll be back in a minute." I nodded as I stood up, kissing Olivia's head as I passed. But as soon as I was out of the sight of my husband and daughter, my pace sped up. I rushed along to the bathroom and opened the toilet lid before vomiting into the bowl. I squeezed my eyes shut as I threw up, dread filling me as I knew exactly what was causing it. Right now, I wished that it was caused by food poisoning. I sighed as I stood up and washed my face, tears already pricking my eyes at the thought of our situation as I took my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled along to Haley's number and clicked on it before sitting against the bathtub.

"Hey, babe." Haley picked up after a second.

"I'm in trouble, Hale." I gulped and shook my head.

"What? Why? What's up?" she asked. I took a deep breath and looked up, my lip in between my teeth as I tried, and failed, to hold it together.

"I think that I'm pregnant." I choked.

"Aww, honey, that's brilliant! Congrats!" she squealed over the phone.

"No, Haley, it's not." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Why not?" she asked. I sighed and bit my lip harshly, my heart flipping in my chest purely at the idea of telling Tom.

"After Olivia was born, Tom admitted that he didn't want to have another baby. Ever. So, we decided that Olivia would be the only child that we would ever have." I explained, my heart in my throat as I tried not to sound as upset as I was. I heard Haley sigh.

"Oh. Now, I see the issue, hun." She spoke.

"What the fuck am I going to do, Haley?" I cried and shook my head.

"Well, the first thing is, have you taken a pregnancy test?" she asked.

"No, but it's been three months since your party, and Tom was wrong. I wasn't on birth control." I choked.

"Okay, well, I suggest that you take a test, and then see what it says. You never know, it may be genuine food poisoning or something." She replied in a clear attempt to reassure me.

"Actually, I'm going to go to the doctors, because Tom found the pregnancy test that I took to confirm that I was going to have Olivia, and I don't want that to happen again. Will you come with me?" I asked.

"Oh, of course I will, hun." She spoke.

"Thanks." I sighed and shook my head, tears still leaving my eyes as I desperately tried to figure out how the fuck we had ended up in this situation.

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