Chapter Twenty-five - Daughter, or son?

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"Okay, so are we finding out, or aren't we? I don't remember us reaching a decision." Tom chuckled, the pair of us walking to the hospital with our hands joined and fingers intertwined as we headed to my first pregnancy scan. I sighed and looked up at him.

"I mean, I get if you don't want to, but I think that it'll be a good thing to know. Means that we can be more prepared in terms of names and stuff, no?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess that that's true, love. So, we're decided? We're finding out?" He asked.

"If you're okay with that too." I gulped. He gave me a small smile.

"Yeah. I'm okay with that, sweetheart." He nodded, making me smile and bite my lip as I held his arm with my spare hand. There was now an extra layer of excitement to this appointment, my heart fluttering at the idea of finding out whether we'd be having a little boy or girl as Tom and I got to the hospital. We headed in and got to the lift, the metal box taking us up to the pregnancy ward for our appointment. I bit my lip, my heart already jumping in excitement as we walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, we're Mr. and Mrs. Holland, we're here for an ultrasound." Tom nodded.

"Okay, take a seat, the doctor will be out shortly." The nurse spoke. Tom nodded again and gave her a small smile before taking my hand and leading us to a couple of seats. I held my bump as I sat down, the change barely noticeable yet, but I still loved it.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Tom asked, my husband looking at me as he put his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, just still can't fully believe that they're in there, you know? I can't feel them moving yet, but obviously the bump is starting to grow, and I love that. I love them." I chuckled and shook my head.

"Good, love, because so do I. You've got another five months of that feeling, too." He smiled.

"I know, and I can't wait." I giggled, making Tom chuckle and kiss my head as a doctor walked into the waiting room.

"Mrs. Holland?" She asked.

"That's me." I nodded as Tom stood up and gently put his hand out for me to take.

"How long do you have to go?" the doctor asked as I stood up, and we walked through to her office.

"This is my first appointment, actually. The pregnancy test was one of those ones that tells you how far along you are, and it said that I was roughly nine weeks along, and that was a week ago." I nodded, Tom sitting down on the chair beside the examination bed as I sat down on the bed itself.

"You guys excited? I know that finding out happened recently, but a lot of parents get excited as soon as they find out." She smiled as she turned the ultrasound machine on, and I pulled my top up to reveal my slowly but surely growing bump.

"That was definitely us, we've been over the moon since we found out." Tom chuckled as he gently took my hand.

"That's what we like to hear. Okay, Mrs. Holland, this is going to be cold." The doctor warned before spreading the cold jelly across my skin. I winced slightly at the coldness of it, my hand tightening around Tom's as he raised it and softly kissed my skin

"Alright, let's see what's happening with baby Holland." She mumbled as her gaze stayed glued to the screen.

"Okay, so everything looks good, we're exactly where we want to be at three months. Which, given what has developed so far, I can confirm is how far along you are exactly." The doctor nodded as she looked back at us. Tom and I just stared at the screen, tears pricking both of our eyes at the ultrasound image of our baby, our first child. I still couldn't believe that we were this lucky, that we were expecting a baby. And it only made it feel ten times more real to see them for the first time on the screen. I bit my lip and looked at Tom, my heart warming at the sight of tears rolling down my husband's cheeks.

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