Chapter Twenty - Guilt can eat you alive

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Tom and I pulled up to Haley and Harrison's house, my hands on the steering wheel since Tom was still too injured to drive as I pulled onto their driveway. I stopped the car, both me and Tom undoing our seat belts as I turned the engine off.

"Let's go." Tom nodded, making me return it as we climbed out. I walked around to Tom, and took his hand, making him give me a small smile before we walked up the path. My eyebrows furrowed as there was a note on the front door.

"What's that?" Tom mumbled as I took the note and looked at it.

"'To Tom and Y/N, have gone out, will be back soon, let yourselves in and make yourselves at home. Harrison and Haley, kiss, kiss'." I read out.

"Brilliant." Tom sighed as he dug the key out of his pocket and let us in. We walked in, our eyes looking around the seemingly empty house as Tom shut the door behind us.

"Hello? Harrison? Haley?" I called out, both of us sighing as I got no response.

"Looks like we have the whole house to ourselves." Tom muttered as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and started to kiss my neck. I smirked and bit my lip at his actions, my heart fluttering and the space in between my legs starting to tingle at the clear implications of what my fiancé was doing.

"What are you thinking that we could do?" I teased as I turned around in his arms, my hands landing against his chest as his hands cupped my waist.

"You know the answer to that, sweetheart." He smirked before leaning down and kissing me. I returned it, my eyes fluttering shut and my hands curling around his neck and pulling him closer as we kissed. He smirked as he walked me backwards, causing my legs to collide with the sofa and making me squeal as we collapsed onto it.

"You're in a testing mood today, aren't you?" I breathed as Tom pinned my hands above my head and moved his lips down to my neck.

"Fuck yes, my love, I've been stuck in hospital for two months, I need some intimate time." He hummed against my skin, making me smirk and close my eyes at the feeling of him leaving open-mouthed and nippy kisses on my neck.

"Tommy, maybe we shouldn't, they're going to be back any minute." I spoke, though trying to stifle my moans as he continued to nip at my skin.

"We better be quick, then." He smirked, making me return it and bite my lip as Tom sat up on top of me and pulled his top over his head. I sat up underneath him and started to kiss along his neck, Tom's breath hitching as I worked my way along his collarbone, and down to his chest.

"Ah, shit." He hissed as I bit at his skin. I stopped and looked at him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Erm, yeah, it just, it still hurts a bit. It's okay." He reassured before leaning down to kiss me. My heart dropped at his words, my eyes wavering as I hesitantly returned the kiss. Tom noticed, making him break the kiss and look at me.

"What's up, sweetheart?" he asked quietly. I gulped and looked down, tears pricking my eyes as nothing but guilt filled me at the pain that Tom was in.

"Do you not think that I'm attractive anymore because of the scars that I now have-."

"No, no, god no, Tommy, I love you no matter what." I scoffed and shook my head.

"Then why did you stop, darling?" he asked. I bit my lip and looked up at him, a tear leaving my eye as I looked into his gorgeous chocolate gaze.

"Because I'm the reason that you're in pain." I choked. Tom's face softened, a sigh leaving his lips as he climbed off of me and sat next to me so that his body was facing mine.

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