Chapter 35.

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~Morgan POV~

I looked in my mirror and took a deep breath and put on my earrings.

"Ok you got this, just don't trip and shake the guys hand, that's all I have to do." I said to myself.

"MORGS!" I heard my name from across the hall.

"WHAT?" I yelled back. I hear heels walk to my bedroom door and then the door opens and Lauren pops her head in.

"You almost ready?" She asked.

"Um, I think so." I said taking a deep breath.

"This is it man, we made it!" She said leaning against the door frame putting her hands up in excitement.

"I know, it's insane. Like do you realize we are moving tomorrow across the country by ourselves! This is just crazy." I said sitting on my bed. She came over and sat next to me.

"It really is man, like what eighteen year olds do this?" She laughed a little.

"Not normal ones I can tell you that."

"Babe?" I heard Matt calling from the stairs.

"We're coming!" Lauren yelled and turned to me taking a deep breath. "Ready?"

"Let's do it."

~30 minutes later~

"...Lauren O'Connor..." I watch my sister walk to the stage and hear my family cheer for her as she recieves her diploma. Oh lord I'm next. "...Morgan O'Connor..." Oh shit ok. I walk nervously to the steps. One step, two step, thre....Shit, I tripped over my feet walking up the stairs, "Ow..." I look around and see shocked faces, I just shake my head and start laughing which lifts the suspense of wether people should laugh or just be sympathetic towards my clumsiness. Everyone laughs and I hear Cameron, "YEAH BABE!" I get up and go up the steps shake the guys hand, recieve my diploma and bow making everyone clap. I shake my head not able to believe that just happened. I go back to my spot next to Lauren. "Nice job Morgs, way to go out with a bang." We just laughed and finished watching our classmates graduate.

We move our tassels and throw our hats up in the air. Lauren and I hugged and we just hugged the people around us.

*3 years later*

A lot has changed in the past few years of moving from the east coast to the west. Basically to put a long story short Cameron and I broke up after finding out I wasn't enough to satisfy him. The first few months of living in LA were great, until they weren't. Right out of a fairy tale. We were together non stop until the party happened...


Lauren and I walk into Sam and Colby's party to celebrate them hitting 3million subscribers only to be met by Kian with a solo cup in one hand and the other coming in for a hug. "Yes! The twins made it!" I pull away smiling ear to ear moving to the side to let Lauren hug him and I say "Have you seen Cameron? He was supposed to text me when he got here." and Kian just shrugs "Nah, I haven't seen him yet. He might be around here somewhere though, I saw Nash earlier. What can I get ya'll to drink?"

I just let out a light sigh, "Um nothing yet I'm gonna try and find him first. Text me if you see him?" He nods, "I'll get that titos and pineapple ready for you" he laughs as he leads Lauren into the kitchen. I turn around shaking my head laughing to myself looking around for any sight of Cam. I see Franny and she waves me over while talking to Nezza. I make my way over and greet them both with a hug. "Hey guys!" "Hey girl, I love the fit. So cute!" Nezza says pointing up and down at my outfit. Franny nods in agreement and says, "Where is your drink? and is Lauren here?" "Oh she's in the kitchen with Kian getting some drinks. I 'm actually looking for Cameron you haven't seen him have you?" She shakes her head looking over at Nezza who shrugs. "Maybe he is with JC? I saw him by the back with Sam like 5 minutes ago" I shake my head and tell them we will catch up later making my way towards the back of the house. Nash comes out of nowhere blocking my path and I just smile with a tinge of frustration. At this rate I just want  to find Cameron. "Have you seen Cameron anywhere?" I say curt to him. "What, no hello?" I just smirk at him. Things have been off with Nash lately, to be blunt he's been a dick. "Hi Nash, now have you seen Cameron? He was supposed to text me when he got here and so far no one has seen him and he was supposed to coming with you." The subtle shrug he gave me after that followed by "He's around here somewhere." was extremely off putting. I roll my eyes at him and push my way past him, "thanks for nothing." I mutter under my breath. I make eye contact with a happy JC who opens his arms for a hug. "Hey! I didn't think you were going to make it!" I tilted my head a little confused by what he meant and turned my attention to Sam congratulating him. Sam dabbed up JC before leaving the conversation after hearing his name being called by Jake. I turned my full attention back to JC and he said "How are you doing?" and I said, "I'm okay, why?" with a confused giggle in response. He said, "Well I figured it's a fresh break up and you wouldn't want to see him here." and now I am BEYOND confused. "JC what the hell are you talking about?" and he is thrown back a little before Nash buts his way into the conversation. "JC I think Chelsea was looking for you over there." and now as I am trying to figure out what the hell JC is talking about, JC's eyebrows furrowed looking at him and says "Dude, Chelsea isn't here, she's at home sick." Nash coughs uncomfortably and I just say "Nash what the fuck are you trying to start?" and of course in that moment here comes Kian and Lauren double fisting red solo cups, "drinks are here!" Lauren yells excitedly and Kian makes some weird ass excited noise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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