Chapter 10.

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~Morgan's POV~

I woke up and I was in someones arms. Who I am assuming are Nash's. I turn around to see him but then my eyes got wide. It was Cam! I flinched and looked around. All five of us were on the bed somehow. I just slighly took Cams arms off of me and put a pillow in my place. I stood up in the middle of the the bed and carefully walked over all of these sleeping people but of course I trip over my sisters foot and made a big bang to the floor.

"OW!" I yelled. Lauren shot up and looked down at me. 

"What the hell are you doing?" 

"Uh..." Then I see all the guys heads pop up behind her. "Just going pee. Sorry. But since we are all up let's go get breakfast from downstairs.

They all groaned but gave in. "EW" I heard Matt yell. "Nash! Why didn't you clean that up!"

"My bad." 

"Yeah well now I have vomit on my foot. Babe can you get me a towel or something." Lauren rolled herself off the bed and walked to the bathroom and got him a towel.

Everyone got their shoes on and went downstairs.

In the elevator it was all of us and a kid. Cam took this as an opprotuinity to vine and tried to bribe this poor kid and Lauren talked, "Don't talk to strangers." and the kid just said, "I don't like sweets."

We all died and gave him a high five and got off the elevator. Once we got to the cafeteria type thing we saw Taylor, Carter, Aaron and Shawn. The Jacks were probably still in their room. We got our food from the buffet and sat in the booth behind them. We were all eating until Matt accidently dropped his water on Lauren.

"UGH MATT!" She yelled.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry babe." She just shook her head and left the table. He was about to get up and go after but I just said, "Don't worry about it. She had to change anyways."

"But she seemed so mad!" He said.

"Yea but once she is changed she will be fine. Just compliment her when she comes down."

After about 10 minutes she came back. "Hello beautiful." He said. She just smiled at him, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine I had to get changed anyways." He looked at me and I just mouthed, "Told you."

We finished eating and Nash took my hand as we walked towards our room. "Hey Nash are you ok?" I asked him.

"Yea, I'm fine. Why?"

"Nothing, you are just so quiet today."

"Ugh, you caught me. I know you didn't get up to go pee this morning. You got up because you were in Camerons arms the whole night."

"Aw Nash, you know I didn't mean for that to happen. I woke up very startled by seeing him there and not you." I kissed him and he smiled. "I'm sorry"

"It's fine, it just kinda hurt to see you with him like that." I kissed him again.


He looked at me. "I love you."

He smiled at me and said, "I love you too." We went into the room. I showered and got changed and packed the bags because we could finally leave this place. Nash took both mine and his bags and rolled them to the elevator. We walked out to the bus and we stuffed the suitcases into the bus and finally we were on the road again. Matt decided he wanted to do a few challanges.

"Alright, who wants to do the salt and ice challange with me. " Lauren, Taylor, Cam, and Nash decided to join him. I was the designated timer person to see who would last longest.

"OW!" Cam said after a few seconds of the ice being on there, "this hurts like a mother frigger!"

"Jesus! This hurts so bad dude!" Nash said.

Lauren and Taylor were so concentrated on not losing this. Matt was just spazzing out and jumping around. "SHIT I CAN'T!" Nash threw the ice in the sink and Cam followed after five seconds later. Their arms were freaking white as shit and there was a welt on their arms. Matt saw and threw the ice. He looked at his arm and screamed. We were laughing so hard. Then it was down to the final two. Lauren and Taylor. They were so determined to win. Cam decided they had to make it harder so they put more ice and salt on them. After 2 minutes Taylor screamed and after he threw the ice Lauren threw the ice and put her hands up in victory. We looked at their arms and the indents were like a half inch deep!

"You guys are idiots." I said to Lauren and Taylor, Lauren went to the sink and ran some hot water on top of it and she helped Taylor. "I finally beat you at something Taylor!" She said. This is why I'm Taylor's favorite because Lauren and him have been so competitve towards eachother. He stuck his tounge out at her and splashed some water on her. She punched him in the arm and said, "What's the next challenge?" They continued their challenges and in the middle of the cinnamon challange we made it to Matt's house.

Once we parked. Matt threw the cinnamon in the air. "MOMMY!" He ran outside and Lauren laughed.

"Oh my boyfriend is so mature isn't he?" I laughed and took Nash's hand. We walked out to Matt's house. Lauren hugged Matt's mom. She and Matt were crying because they haven't seen eachother in like 2 months. Lauren took Matt to the side and hugged him wiping his tears. His sisters came downstairs and hugged him. It was so cute really.

We all said our hello's and walked into the kitchen. There was so much food! We stuffed our faces and all passed out from a food coma in the living room. A few of us were going out to eat at around 7. Well anyone who was up for it. But I don't know who could eat after that!

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