Chapter 12.

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~Lauren's POV~

Matt rolled off of me with sweat dripping from his forehead. We did it. We actually did IT. I smiled to myself and looked at Matt. He was breathing hard and I moved towards him. Putting my hand on his chest and kissed him. He smiled down at me and kissed my head. This was my perfect birthday. I honestly couldn't ask for more. I got a surprise party, got to see my parents who I haven't seen in weeks and I just had my first time with the love of my life. Shit life is good. Matt and I cuddled for about a half hour. I decided to shower and so did Matt so why not shower together. We got in and didn't do anything....that sexual. And got out, I put on his clothes because they smelled like heaven on earth and crawled into bed with him. We cuddled up and fell asleep.

~Morgan's POV~

I was watching these to do the best friend trivia tag thing and Cam failed completely. He got like 3 right. Mahogony was with us because I didn't want ot be the only girl, we were dying laughing. Cam jumped in the shower really quick and then it was Nash's turn. I'm not gonna lie seeing Cam there with just a towel on was something else, but I have Nash no need to look at Cam. 

Cam started asking questions to Nash and about 5 questions in Cam stepped back and cut his foot on a tin can. 

He started freaking out. "Bro, real talk, I need stitches." He came hobbling over to us and told us to call 911 we were clueless on what to say. Then he started yelling at us. "NINE ONE FUCKING ONE! DO YOU NOT SEE MY FUCKING LEG!" Nash was dying laughing because he thought Cam was just over exagerating. I helped Cam to the bathroom and Mahogony got Nash towel. Nash told Cam to hold up his leg and wrap a towel around it. Nash came over to the bathroom once his face and hands were clean. He took Cam's foot and wrapped it with the towel. 

Nash crawled under Cam and got him some underwear and a sweatshirt. I brought some water over and gave it to Nash. He just squirted the bottle and missed Cam's foot and finished pouring the rest on the foot. Cam was definitley in shock because he wasn't freaking out as bad as he was before. I came over with his phone to call but his phone was locked. I asked, "What's your password?" He just told me to give it with his thumb, Nash yelled, "Oh my God you're not even gonna give her your fucking password." I walked away and called. Nash jumped in the shower and washed all the crap off of him. I got Nash underwear and his tee shirt. After about 10 minutes the ambulance finally showed up and took Cam. Nash kissed me and told me to stay here. I pouted and nodded. "Good luck Cam! Nash call me when you need us to pick you guy's up!" He nodded and walked away with cam in the ambulance.

"Well that was fun." I said to Mahogony.

"Oh definitley. " She nodded in a sarcastic way.

We went back into Cam's room and cleaned up a little bit so the poor cleaning ladies didn't have to deal with it.

After we were done cleaning I called Lauren. No answer. I looked at the time, it is only 11:30, why isn't she picking up. I called two more times and on the third time she finally picked up.

"What?!" She said into the phone.

"Well hello to you too, why are you asleep.... OH MY GOD YOU AND MATT FUCKED!" I could hear Matt in the background laughing and then I heard Lauren tell him to shut up.

"What do you want Morgan?" She said with an annoyed tone.

"Well Cam just got rushed to the hospital because he split his foot open."

"Oh my God! Is he ok?"

"Yea he should be. I just thought I would let you know."

"Do you need me to come and pick you guy's up or something?"

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