Chapter 20.

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~Cameron's POV~

I wake up and see Morgan clinging onto me fast asleep. I smile down to her and just take it all in. Her beauty and just how gorgeous she is. I started petting her head and intertwining my hands in her hair. She stirred a little but stopped and cuddled deeper into me. I kissed the top of her head and looked around. Nash was past out and sleeping like a freaking log. I just laughed to myself and wondered how the hell did I get here? Why did I get chosen for this life? For whatever reason I am truly grateful.

I felt Morgan moving a bit more knowing she was waking up. She blinked her eyes and stretched getting out of our cuddling position. She smiled when she saw I was awake. "Morning beautiful." I said smiling at her.

She smiled at me and let out a slight giggle, "Morning boyfriend. I would kiss you but we have morning breath and that's a big no no." She said smiling to me.

"But babee" I said whining. 

"Come on. We gotta brush our teeth and then kisses." I just rolled myself out of the bed and crawled to the bathroom. "You are pathetic." Morgan said laughing at me.

I smiled at her and got up, "Thank you." I went to the bathroom and we brushed our teeth. I looked at her and smiled with my fresh minty breath. "Happy?" I said to her.

"Very." And with that she brought me into a deep kiss. I deepened it a little more. And then she deepened it even more. I put my hands under her thighs and raised her up so she could sit on the couter top. We continued kissing with her legs wrapped around me. I pulled away from her lips and kissed down her jawline to her neck and found her sweet spot. She let out a little moan as I bit down and sucked. I kissed back up her neck and found her lips again. 

"Seriously guys? Can a man not take his morning pee without seeing you guys make babies right in front of them." I pulled away in defeat as I heard Nash.

"Sorry dude." I helped Morgan jump down from the counter and we walked out.

I sat on the bed and looked at me phone. I got a few tweets from some girls and followed them and responded. I loved making them happy. Morgan crawled on the bed behind me and hugged me from behind while placing her head on my shoulder. I smiled up at her and kissed her. 

"Alright babe. Time to get ready." She said jumping on the bed.


"Magcon? You know that little thing you do?" 

"Oh right we have that today." I said kinda bummed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just was pumped that it was gonna be a chill day where I can stay in and cuddle with you."

"Aw baby, that's really sweet and all but it's your job."

"I know, I love it and I love my fans. It just gets a little much. You know?"

"Well not exactly, but I understand. Now come on Mr. Pouty, we can cuddle when we get back, go get ready!" She said turning me around and slapping me on the butt.

"Ow! Geez, I'm going, I'm going." I said walking to my stuff while rubbing my butt.

~Lauren's POV~ 

Matt's in the shower and I was getting dressed. I put on my nice palm tree shirt and some shorts but thought I looked too plain. So I got my blue sandals and looked in the mirror. Perfect. I saw some blue accesories in my jewlery bag and put those on. I looked in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw. I did a little bit of make up knowing it was gonna be hot today, I mean it is Florida.

Where does my heart belong? (Cameron Dallas/ Nash Grier love story)Where stories live. Discover now