1.1 Sent To Prison

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"Passenger No. 963 has successfully checked the ticket, please enter No. 1 car to find a seat." The

announcement sounded, and the operators of No. 1 car held their breath and stared at the direction of the door, watching the new entry. tasker.

Every new tasker will receive such a baptism of glances after entering the carriage, because there are too many participants in this task, and there are many, many newcomers.

In the dungeon world, the words "many people" and "newcomers" often mean chaos. Even with some experienced missionaries, it is difficult to unify all the voices in such an environment.

Fortunately, the huge group of taskers was divided into different compartments, and this time the new taskers were 'trained' by the system in advance, so the scene was not particularly chaotic.

However, the experienced old people were not relieved because the pressure was relieved, and they were still watching their companions, or... potential enemies and competitors.

Taskers who had successfully checked tickets before would usually enter the carriage within two minutes of the announcement, but this time they waited extraordinarily long for about five or six minutes.

And the previous taskers only reported the passenger serial number, but this No. 963 has even been revealed.

The taskers in the carriage were all energized and stared at the door with burning eyes, trying to find out the special reason for No. 963.

Under everyone's attention, the tin door was pulled open from the outside, and a humanoid flight attendant wearing a mask and uniform came in from the outside, its green eyes quickly glanced at the car, and then He stood silently against the door.

Then, a cane that resembled a table leg came in from outside the car door. The cane tapped on the ground, and a tall, handsome young man slowly appeared with a black backpack and a stone yellow shirt. in view.

The young man is very beautiful, the short flaxen hair is soft and harmless, the chin is pointed, the eyebrows, the pink lips, all thin and slender, extremely beautiful, sharp and glamorous.

It is a pity that he has no pupils, and his eyes are like broken clouds, fluttering and flocculating in his eyes.

The incomplete beauty is like looking at flowers in the fog and looking at the moon in the water. The beauty is clear but out of reach.

The task person in the carriage was stunned for a moment after seeing him. The young man seemed to be unaware of everyone's eyes. He tapped the crutches lightly and moved forward slowly but steadily.

The flight attendant with the mask said in a muffled voice, "Find an empty seat and sit down."

Then he closed the door and went out.

Xiangnu smiled and nodded to 'him', groping forward.

The task workers in the carriage sat in their seats and looked at him silently, with scrutiny, amazement, and vigilance in their eyes, but no one came up to help Xiangnu and took him to the empty seat.

Xiangnu was not anxious, and walked forward slowly, his crutches knocking back and forth on both sides of the seat.

Suddenly, he stopped beside a man, and everyone followed his movements subconsciously. The man was wearing a white uniform similar to a military uniform. Fringed epaulettes.

He wears a military cap of the same style as the uniform. The long brim covers the upper half of his face, revealing only the lower half of his perfectly curved chin and beautiful lips.

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