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Xiangnu maintained a well-behaved expression, blinked his eyes, and his eyelashes fluttered gently and slowly fell, casting a shadow on his fair skin.

Chen Chengen asked Li Yue: "Li Yue, you have participated in this mission before, how much do you know about this furnace apartment, and what kind of background it is?"

Li Yue's face was pale, his eyes were a little erratic, his voice gradually weakened, and he was faint. Very angry: "I... I knew that there was an explosion in this furnace apartment, and I don't know about the others." The

experienced missionaries were speechless and looked at him in silence, Li Yue had no choice but to Said: "There was a great boss in my mission. She has been exploring alone and rarely communicated with us. Later, I didn't know what she found. After a few minutes of communication with the landlord, we cleared the customs inexplicably. That's it."

The main purpose of the taskers entering the dungeon world is to find the root of the dungeon formation, and use the source to seal monsters and the dungeon world.

But not all taskers have the ability to complete such tasks, especially some extremely difficult giant dungeons, so as long as the taskers can solve one of the key problems every time, the task is completed.

This is also the reason why there are many batches of taskers in one copy, and these taskers do not know each other.

Even, their missions have only one name and the same location in common, but the mission links and experiences are completely different.

"Look...the railings they are lying on feel like they will break at any time." A sweet but ethereal female voice sounded, and everyone looked over to see that it was Feng He Lulu who was talking.

She was wearing a loose pink mid-length skirt, with a beautiful face, her long black hair was loosely draped over her shoulders, and her exposed legs were white, tender and slender, with a temperament like a weak willow Fufeng.

Fenghe Lulu pressed her hands and face to the car window and tried her best to see the scene outside. Because of the angle, people couldn't see her expression, but they could imagine her face from her movements and back. How grim was the ministry at this time.

This girl seems a little abnormal.

Everyone thought of this, and then went to see her boyfriend next to her. Her boyfriend was looking at her tenderly and pityingly. Hearing that, he also said: "I also think... ah!" The

man suddenly exclaimed: "The railing is broken, Someone fell!"

Everyone quickly looked out, and sure enough, they saw several figures fell heavily from the corridor one after another and fell to the ground.

Those figures lay quietly on the ground, like real corpses, until a man in dark red clothes also fell, and they suddenly began to wriggle and tremble, and slowly moved towards the direction of the train.

Li Yue is shocked: "They move, they climb over! Ah, ah, ah!" In fact, the speed of the body moved very slowly, thinking close to the train for a long time, waiting for them to be reached , it is estimated that the train has already moved.

But not everyone can think rationally. Some timid people have long lost their reason when approaching the corpse, and said in a panic, "Are they going to come up? Can they come up?"

Xiang Slave Frowning, he whispered, "It's been 143 seconds."

Yu Su stared out the window tightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

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