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Several missionaries stared blankly at the beautiful young man who was playing with snakes, and watched helplessly as the white snake he knocked on the head grabbed the fingers of Xiangnu's left hand like a swift lightning bolt.

Xiangnu stopped laughing, pursed his lips and looked at the white snake, the white snake's ruby-like bright vertical pupils looked back not to be outdone.

The atmosphere suddenly froze, but it didn't stagnate for too long. White Snake spit out Xiangnu's fingers and turned his head angrily.

Although people can't understand the expression of the snake, everyone can feel the real anger of the white snake.

Obviously, White Snake was provoked by Xiangnu's actions just now. Although he didn't do anything in the end, he was really provoked.

Xiang Nu didn't panic, raised the white snake's coiled right hand, gently placed the index finger of his left hand under the white snake's head, and kissed the white snake's head with her thin pink lips, leaving with a touch, and then using the pair of water The bright bright eyes of the light looked at him with joy, making it hard not to feel happy.

Mr. Yu was annoyed by Xiangnu's actions. He knew that he did it on purpose, but looking at Xiangnu's beautiful face, which was more delicate than Hua, it was hard to really be ruthless.

In the end, the white snake stopped looking at Xiangnu, and went straight around Xiangnu's wrist, closed his eyes, and ignored him.

The shovels that Xiangnu had brought out had already been shared equally by everyone. After discussing it with everyone, they glanced at the villager who was hiding behind the door and secretly watched them, and went to Xishan to dig up the corpses with their skulls in hand.

But before taking two steps, several people stopped. The two houses in front of this villager were the old man's house.

At this moment, several people are walking towards the west mountain. Unless they go back to the east and walk around the back of the yard, they will inevitably pass the old man's house.

At this moment, the old man led the black dog and stood in the center of the yard, staring at them quietly. The big black dog also looked at them. The strange thing was that the big black dog didn't bark this time. The eyes are quite friendly, even wagging his tail and sticking out his tongue.

Several missionaries stood silently on the spot and stared at the old man for a few seconds. Xiangnu was thoughtful, and his fingers lightly stroked the white snake's head, causing the white snake to stare faintly, but Xiangnu didn't feel it.

Xiangnu retracted his gaze from the old man, and said lightly: "Time is running out, let's get back to business."

A few people set off and were about to continue to advance to the West Mountain. I left, and I didn't know how to say hello when I saw the master?"

"Do you still have a master like me in your eyes... but still have a little bit of respect for the teacher?" The old man said gloomily behind them.

Several people stopped and looked at each other, then bowed to the old man with meaning and called 'Master'.

The old man asked coldly: "Where are you going? Xiao Yao, have you prepared the mutton for the evening banquet? It's past noon now, and you don't have much time."

Xiang Nu's eyes dimmed, Youyou said: "Master just wait for the evening, and the disciple will definitely prepare a big surprise for you." The

old man sneered and didn't ask any further. Several people glanced at him vigilantly, walking forward and looking back at him, Afraid that the old man would change, after walking about ten steps to make sure that the old man would no longer care about them, several people stopped looking at him and went to the west mountain.

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