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Xiangnu turned his face away, and muttered, "You can't tell me about any transaction, do you have to keep it a secret?"

Yu Su pursed her lips and smiled, took his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the Sect Master and the others."

Xiangnu hesitated slightly, but did not refuse, and followed him slowly and said, "Why are you looking for him? To be honest, I think it is very likely that the sect master will be persuaded by the ghost priests. After all, he is now infected by suffocating qi. Sect Master , perhaps the evil nature has been suppressed and neutralized by the nature in the body, but the evil nature has always existed, and evil thoughts have been planted in his heart, it should be difficult to be selfless now."

Mr. Yu looked at the white The forest looming in the fog showed a strange smile, and said softly: "Is this not good?"

Xiangnu raised his eyelids to look at him: "A ghostly realm that is so big and still submissive is also a rare gift for the Holy City. It's a pity to let it collapse and disappear into the mystery."

"A world that has been completely collapsed, just enjoy the madness after the collapse, even if you don't like such a world, there are more There are so many choices, there is no need to go to the new life of death."

Xiangnu thoughtfully followed Yu Su to wave away the bushes that blocked the way, and walked into the depths of the woods.

The sect master was surrounded by the ghost priests, a ghost priest stretched out his hand to grab the suzerain's shoulder, pushed him forward, and when he passed by Qingfeng, he gave him a hard look, and Qingfeng said slowly: "I will leave here, never again. The one who came back is to leave completely, to leave this ghost realm." The

ghost priest then retracted his gaze, ignoring his existence, then looked at Jiang Chao and smiled wickedly: "Sect Master, this is a little guy who trusts you very much. Well, he's a little naive, actually thinking that... there are really kind monsters in this world."

"Haha, laugh to death, monsters appear based on evil thoughts that have been magnified countless times... If there are no evil thoughts, no matter how much turbidity Erosion is useless, how can someone be so stupid that they think that monsters may be kind."

Jiang Chao's face changed, and the sect master slowly raised his eyes, his dark eyes locked on the Taoist priest beside him.

The ghost priest lowered his voice so that his voice sounded low and cold: "Sect Master, admit it, you are not better than us to get there, are you not good at facing your heart? You are so strong, you shouldn't be bound by so many things. The... Sect Master, you are the most powerful puppet-making existence in our sect. Hang this tasker beside you to make a puppet, and let him be the first step for you to get rid of your bondage..."

Jiang Chao's expression changed . , took a step back subconsciously, wanting to press the red mole on his palm to get out of the task, but a hand engraved with runes stuck out from behind him and grabbed his wrist, Jiang Chao frowned, Turning his head slowly, he saw a ghost priest grinned at him.

The ghost Taoist laughed ho-ho: "I'm afraid this little Taoist friend doesn't know that the teleportation formations in the holy city and each copy are all contributed by our sect..."

Xiangnu who just walked in heard this. He couldn't help but glance at Yu Su, Yu Su didn't look at him, but said softly: "So I said, it would be a pity if this world disappeared."

He said to the sect master, "Sect master, you should think about it. How do you decide?" The

sect master looked at him, and the ghost priest who was holding him felt a little bad, and couldn't help asking: "Sect master, what does Venerable Yu mean?"

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