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"The cab?" Yu Su chewed on the word, and his tone was a little subtle. He asked, "What are you going to do in the cab?"

"Look for something." Xiang Nu didn't answer directly.

Yu Su didn't know what to think, and said, "Why do you have to wait for the train to start? The flight attendant and those monsters are fighting outside the train. There are still about 17 minutes before the end of the 30 minutes at the station. We can totally do it now. In the past, there was plenty of time."

Xiangnu hesitated: "What if the flight attendant returns to the car early?"

Yu Su hooked his lips, his tone remained the same: "Car No. 1 is right next to the cab, even if it notices it. If we give up fighting those monsters, we can also quickly escape back to the carriage."

Xiangnu heard the words and immediately decided, "Then let's wait and go to the cab!"

Yu Su looked at him, her eyes darkened slightly, and suddenly asked Said: "Xiangnu, you didn't even go to No. 4 car to communicate with Lin Cheng. Are you so sure that everything I told you is true? Chen Chengen said that when passing through the silver light, No. 4 car was in our car. The blind spot, logically speaking, I shouldn't have seen what happened in the No. 4 carriage."

Xiang Nu didn't speak, his expression was strange for a moment, he chuckled, his soft arms wrapped around Yu Su's shoulders Neck,

exhaling like blue: "Although there are indeed some doubts, but... I believe you don't need a reason. After all, after we go out, we want... that one." Shy, as if an emotional look.

Yu Su looked at him, suddenly felt dry mouth, looked away unconsciously, and muttered: "What you said... also makes sense."

Yu Su held Xiangnu's wrist: "Let's go, I'll bring When you go to the cab, do you want others to know what we are doing?"

Xiang Nu asked curiously, "The carriage is one section leading to the end, so we can't avoid others' observation?"

Yu Su didn't explain, just said: "You just tell me if you want to or not."

Xiangnu thought for a while, and said, "Come to the cab quietly and have a look first."

Yu Su responded in a low voice, opened the door with him in his arms and walked out.

After coming out of the bathroom, Xiangnu found that he seemed to have walked into another space. The task workers whispered away from him. The bright white light in the carriage was also replaced by dim yellow. In the extreme silence, the candles burned. The sound of wax dripping was also clear.

Xiangnu let out his thoughts, thinking in his heart, fortunately, he is blind, and sometimes he can play stupid, anyway, he can't see it, right?

But... where did Yu Su take him into?

Xiangnu thought uneasily, trying his best to restrain himself from deep thinking. He felt that as long as he thought a little deeper, he would discover a fact that would make him lose his temper.

...no need, it's fine now.

The corners of Xiangnu's lips rose slightly, with a sweet and clear smile on his face, he was led all the way by Yu Su, because his eyes were dull, which made him look like a beautiful doll. God, you can't look at it any more, and you will fall into the abyss at a glance, and you will never be able to recover.

The clearest and loudest sound in this quiet corridor was the crisp sound of Yu Su's heavy military boots stepping on the ground, 'Early' -

Yu Su stopped with Xiangnu, and then came the sound of the door being pushed open. , Xiangnu found that the dim yellow light and shadow in front of him was replaced by bright yellow, and they changed another place.

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