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Aunt Mei stared at Xiangnu with fear and fanaticism, and quickly replied: "Of course, of course, I will tell you what you ask me, young master..."

Xiangli interrupted her sharply, and said loudly in a shrill voice: "Don't say it, I don't want to hear it!"

The missionaries looked at him hesitantly, and found that this pale and thin young man looked really wrong. Before, he only felt silent, cold, and gloomy. Not like a good thing, but not like that bad thing either, it's normal overall.

Unlike at the moment, his head is lowered, and his flaxen hair, which is similar to Xiangnu but longer, hangs down, covering his brows and eyes, and everyone can only see his thin lower lip, slightly parted, his teeth clenched. , Because of his overly excited mood, the skin on his slender neck was tense, the bones were ruthlessly distinct, and blood gathered and emerged, giving the paleness a thin, strange red.

The raccoon slowly raised his head, his eyes were extremely black, like inferior plastic eyeballs, without luster, and the whites of his eyes were full of red bloodshots, like a newborn evil spirit, his eyes were full of naked malice and hideousness.

His jaw moved back and forth, and he ordered word by word: "Shut up, shut up."

Aunt Mei stared at him blankly, her expression gradually becoming fearful, the truth that was about to be said suddenly suffocated, and she swallowed it back. .

The feeling of Xiangli to the missionaries at this time is really weird, like a ghost in a horror story who forgets everything and thinks that he is an ordinary person, and what Aunt Mei has to do now is to tell the truth that the ghost is dead. Tell the evil spirit, let him face reality, remember who he really is, and show his original face.

Several taskers didn't speak. Look at me and I'll look at you. In the end, Wang Qiaoqiao said, "How about we wait to discuss this topic? Xiangli's state is a bit wrong. Directly 'transform'..."

Xiangnu glanced at Xiangli, Wang Qiaoqiao was right, Xiangli really looks like he might lose his mind and go crazy at any time.

And this is not her illusion. As the owner of this city, Xiangnu really 'sees' that Xiangli's power is increasing... It's a

pity that he was "sacrificed" long ago, and his increased power is not belong to himself.

Xiang Nu suddenly walked in front of Xiang Li and grabbed Xiang Li's wrist under his hatred eyes. Xiang Li did not resist, and the other free hand also grabbed on Xiang Nu's wrist.

The beautiful young man turned his head slightly to look at them. At this moment, there was a special and inexplicable aura that made the others dare not look directly at him.

Xiang Nu asked Aunt Mei, "Where are the internal organs in this restaurant?"

Aunt Mei swallowed and said, "Turn left when you go out...the third room."

Xiang Nu hooked her finger at Huang Xin: " Give me the room key."

Huang Xin hesitated and handed him the room key.

Xiangnu's wrist slammed hard, pulled Xiangli over and pulled him into his arms, led him out the door, and at the same time left a voice and said to Aunt Mei: "I'll take Xiangli out, Aunt Mei, give the gift. Let me explain the sacrifice..."

Xiangnu paused slightly and turned his head sideways: "Don't talk nonsense about superfluous things, people with broken mouths will go to hell." Aunt Mei's

expression froze, and everyone immediately understood, Their plan to inquire about news from Aunt May was now in vain.

Xiangnu hugged Xiangli and walked out. When he was in front of everyone's eyes, he didn't resist, until after Xiangnu took him out a distance, he struggled violently.

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