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Xiangnu left, but not completely.

He still quietly followed behind Wang Zhihui, but the girl didn't know the existence of Xiangnu.

Xiangnu planned to follow Wang Zhihui's words because his target was likely to appear beside Wang Zhihui.

The reason why he told Wang Zhihui to leave was because he didn't know how to pose if he faced Wang Zhihui face to face.

It seems too cold to ignore her completely. Xiangnu feels that although he is a monster, he still retains a bit of humanity.

But if he was asked to comfort Wang Zhihui, he couldn't do it. Although he still retains his humanity, in the final analysis, he is a monster, with little warmth and pitiful, and cannot be distinguished from Wang Zhihui at all.

After thinking about it, he thought it would be better to pretend that he was not by Wang Zhihui's side, so that he would no longer have to worry about these things.

After Xiangnu 'left', Wang Zhihui sat there for a while, then slowly wiped his face and sat up against the wall.

Her clothes were stained with blood. After Wang Zhihui walked around the small room, she picked up a dirty looking large school uniform from the bottom of the bed and put it over her current clothes.

Although the clothes below were covered, the bloody aura on her body was very heavy, and it was particularly irritating.

When Wang Zhihui walked, her footsteps were very light. She swiftly walked down the path in the woods. Her figure was hidden among the heavy leaves, and her movements were very small. one person.

Xiang Nu followed behind her, Wang Zhihui walked for about ten minutes, then stopped and hid behind a tree.

Xiangnu got closer and found two people standing not far from the tree. Judging by their posture and figure, the two should be a couple.

Wang Zhihui didn't look at them, but squatted on the ground, rubbed her hands on the roots of the tree, and then hooked out a fishing line.

She turned sideways and glanced at the couple not far away, expressionless, but slowly pulled the fishing line.

The pulling of the fishing line caused a sound of leaves rubbing, but the breeze kept blowing, and the couple did not hear this slight movement.

Wang Zhihui slowly pulled the fishing line. As she pulled, the silk threads that had been hanging loosely and loosely on different branches were pulled and slowly stretched and taut.

With the last violent force, the silk thread tensed in an instant, and was entangled by the deliberately placed fishing line. The tough fishing line scraped the neck of the couple in the center, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

The pair of men and women screamed in panic, and then breathed out in pain, covering their necks with pale faces.

Wang Zhihui slowly walked out from behind the tree, taking off her clean coat as she walked.

When the man and woman saw her, their eyes suddenly showed obvious confusion and panic. They were even more frightened when they saw the blood-stained clothes under Wang Zhihui's coat. They wanted to do something, but they couldn't move their fingers. The fingers slowly slipped away, and the whole person became weak visibly.

They looked at Wang Zhihui pleadingly, but they were greeted with the scythe of the god of death.

Wang Zhihui's action target was very clear and solved the pair of men and women, and then put the school uniform on the outside again, but this time, the school uniform couldn't cover the bloody shirt, and it was faintly fishy.

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