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The place where Xiangnu appeared was the mountain in front of the main house, and behind the mountain was a long and wide river.

Qiu Principle is behind the mountain behind the house, a flat field, about the size of a small playground, it really can't be called a 'yuan'.

After the breeze took them down the hill, the six of them walked to the ground. Xiangnu found that the hill was very, very uneven. From the place where they settled down, they encountered an upside-down but more squat The bowl-shaped hills, about the size of two washbasins, are densely packed together, occupying this hill and plain.

If this is a human face, it must be a little more terrifying than the pimples on the face of a teenager.

Looking at these hills, everyone probably understood what the 'hill' in the hills meant.

Qingfeng stood on the edge of the foot of the mountain, but did not dare to really step into the 'hill and plain'.

He directed the taskers and said to them: "Junior brothers, this is Qiu Yuan, and the earth soul that Master wants you to capture is only here, you go down."

Everyone did not move, Ding Zeming asked humbly: "Senior brother , We have never caught an earth soul before, and we don't know how to do it, can you come and teach us and show us a demonstration?"

Qingfeng was hesitant, and everyone stared at him closely, always feeling that this little fat man seemed to be He was very jealous of Qiu Yuan, as if he was standing on the mountain for fear of stepping on the soil.

What's so weird about this hill?

Does it mean that Qingfeng is afraid of this place alone, or are all the ghosts in this mission afraid?

Just as everyone was thinking about it, they saw Qingfeng slowly climb down from the mountain and tread carefully on the ground.

After landing, everyone could clearly see that his body was tense, and he looked very nervous.

However, after a few seconds after landing and realizing that nothing had happened, Qingfeng immediately relaxed, he kicked the soil under his feet, scratched his head and said, "It's not difficult to dig earth souls, as long as you make a hole on this hill. , they will automatically climb out of it after a while."

He pushed aside, squatted in front of the small hill, pointed his fat fingers at the hill and poked it hard, poking a small small hill on the hill. Small holes come.

At the moment when the hole was poked open, Xiang Nu moved his ears, feeling as if he heard a crisp sound.

After the hole was poked out, the breeze jumped up instantly, he pointed to the hole and said, "That's it, don't worry, the earth souls will crawl out soon, because they can't stand the air outside, if the hole breaks Now, it will definitely climb out to mend the hole, and you can just grab it at this time."

Qingfeng didn't lie to them, and sure enough, something similar to an earthworm popped out of the hole after a while.

Qingfeng hurriedly called out: "Come out, come out, junior brother, grab it quickly!"

Everyone didn't move, Zhong Liyun deliberately showed a look of fear, rubbed his arms and screamed in a pretentious way: "Ah, don't catch it! I'm most afraid of it! The little bugs, don't let it get close to me!"

Everyone looked at Qingfeng hesitantly, Miao Dong said helplessly: "The fifth sister is actually afraid of bugs, then let's catch them later, and we haven't prepared the tools to contain bugs, There's no place to put them out. Fortunately, it's still early, so if you don't have this, you can catch new ones."

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