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Although Mr. Yu was duplicitous, Xiangnu was in a good mood. He explained it to Yu Su and finally turned off the screen.

Shu Jian was walking towards him, Xiang Nu put down the rolled up trouser legs, patted the ashes on his body, and then stood up.

Shu Jian walked over with the stem of the yarrow and asked, "Little Junior Brother, I'm back, so I'll start digging?"

Xiang Nu looked at the hill on the ground and nodded in agreement.

Shu Jian looked around the hill, put the stem into the small hole that was dug, bent down and started to disintegrate from the inside.

Xiang Nu stared at his movements for a while, and didn't know if Shu Jian's actions were of any use. Xiaoqiu squatted down in front of him.

Xiangnu's palm touched back and forth on the flat ground in the middle, and found that the color of this place was different from that of the other hills. mound size.

There should have been a hill in this flat place before, but I don't know if it was done by the quests who participated in this dungeon before, or the old man's hand. This hill may also be drawn out of the earth soul, and then dug out the following After the bones were completely flattened.

Xiang Nu looked at Shu Jian, Shu Jian picked a lot of yarrow stalks and came back, Xiang Nu walked over and picked one, and then went to the flattened mound again, and plucked the surrounding soil. Arched a small mound up.

After Xiangnu discovered the mound that was suspected to be flattened in front of his eyes, he began to observe the surrounding ground. Multiple hummocks that existed before and were later flattened.

Xiangnu used yarrow stems to make a mark on it, counted the small mounds from the beginning to the end, and found that there were 206 small mounds in total.

Although Xiangnu had eye problems before, his education level was not low. After realizing that there were a total of 206 hills, he immediately realized something.

While Shu Jian was fighting the hard mound, he climbed to the top of the mountain to the north and looked down at the mound below.

If yes, this hill at the foot of Beishan Mountain is actually a 'person'.

The one on the farthest side that is about to sink into the river is the head of the human body. The 29 hillocks represent the fifteen facial skulls, eight brain skulls, and three auditory ossicles in each of the middle ears on both sides.

Below is the torso bone consisting of the sternum, vertebrae and ribs, a total of fifty-one.

There are also upper and lower limb bones on both sides of the torso, a total of 126 pieces.

After substituting specific data, Xiangnu was finally able to identify Qiu Yuan's image.

Thinking of the phalanges he and Shu Jian dug up before, a lightning flashed across Xiangnu's mind, and he suddenly understood something.

Xiang Nu carefully slipped off his body, Shu Jian was sweating profusely from the tormented hill, and finally knocked it open a little. Xiang Nu waited beside him for his results, and before he knew it, time passed Just half an hour passed.

Shu Jian finally dug up the hill, Xiangnu carefully removed the broken stones on it, and groped at the bottom of the hill, but there was nothing.

Shu Jian looked at him nervously and asked, "Little Junior Brother, is there anything in it?"

Xiangnu shook his head and said lightly, "No. No accident, the bones inside have been dug up by Master."

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