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Xuezhen stood behind him and asked quietly, "Why don't you move, Xiangnu?"

Xiangnu pursed his lips, moved his feet slowly, and his voice was calm: "I stepped on something under my foot.

" Is that so..." Xuezhen dragged her tone, and her voice sounded quite happy: "That little animal is a little big, so you may have accidentally touched him."

Xiang Nu corrected expressionlessly: "If you are very big, you can't be called a 'small' animal, I hope you know."

Xuezhen lowered her eyebrows, brought the topic back, and asked, "What did you step on?"

Xiangnu licked it dry . The corner of his lips, he said dryly: "It feels quite familiar, like a snake."

But the little snake I met at the beginning was much bigger.

Xuezhen made a long 'oh' sound, but didn't say anything, but reached out and closed the door, blocking out the last ray of light.

Xiang Nu fell into the darkness, the soft and elastic limbs under his feet moved, and Xiang Nu stumbled suddenly, almost unable to stand still.

The pretty young man barely stood still and moved away from what he was stepping on.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rustling sound in the house, like a reptile moving in the house.

Xiang Nu cleared his throat, and tentatively called out, "Mr. Yu?"

The sliding voice paused, and Xiang Nu's voice suddenly became louder: "Yu Su!"

A huge figure rose up from the darkness, It's not very obvious in the dark, but you can see it roughly. Immediately afterwards, a pair of dark red vertical pupils suddenly opened, and in the dark night, it was like a lamp glowing with blood, gloomy and terrifying.

Xiangnu closed his eyes and subconsciously groped in the pockets of his clothes. He thought quietly that after this mission was over, he might have to prepare a silk scarf to cover his eyes when he didn't need to see things. Live, in this way, you can see less scenes that will stimulate him.

Xiang Nu thought silently, and took a few steps back slowly, but those scarlet eyes moved past. Avoid a little, but dare not make the action too obvious.

Other than that, the monster in the dark didn't do anything too much. After being silent for a few seconds, Xiangnu tentatively moved away, and the monster in the dark didn't respond.

Xiang Nu breathed a sigh of relief, groped to the bed by the light of the monster's eyes, sat down on the soft bed, and then fell into thought.

Before entering the mission, Yu Su told Xiang Sla not to believe what other people said, and then found him and you could clear the level.

If the monster in the room is Yu Su, then he should have completed the mission.

Of course, the task can't be that simple, and this slave is very clear, so the monster in this room is either not Yu Su, or not exactly Yu Su.

Xiangnu didn't forget that Yu Su had turned into a snake in front of him again, and a few tentacles had appeared again.

Mr. Yu's answer to this is very interesting, these belong to him, but not him.

So, could this monster be a part of Yu Su? Because he didn't find the complete Yu Su, so he didn't meet the requirements and conditions that Yu Su said?

Or, the monster in this room is not Yu Su at all, but something else?

Speaking of which, could that Xue really be Yu Su's sister, Doctor X?

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