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Since you don't care, why do you have to say it!

Many missionaries who were afraid of Feng Hejia, Feng He Lulu, and Yu Su secretly slandered in their hearts.

If Xiangnu doesn't say this, they can join forces at this moment to besiege and persecute the three. But after Xiangnu made this proposal but then gave up, those who were hesitant and timid on the task would be influenced by him, and the balance in their hearts unconsciously tended to give up. In this way, those who wanted to jointly persecute Yu Su and the others would became a minority.

Originally, their strength was no match for the monster-turned Fenghe Jia and Fenghe Lulu, and they didn't have an advantage in numbers. As a result, this proposal was equivalent to abolished.

Xiangnu may also know that he has broken the minds of some people, and naturally added: "Of course, there is another reason why I don't care, just as Ms. Fenghejia said, although only Fenghejia, Feng, Lulu and Mr. Yu have participated in the 'stitching beauty club' dungeon, but it does not mean that no other quests have participated in this quest."

"If we focus on these three people, it is easy to ignore the others. The missionaries who concealed it but also participated in this mission, in case the monsters control them, we will

be unprepared. Although there are disadvantages, they also have advantages. For example, their force value is very high."

Xiangnu stuck his head out to 'look' at Xiang Feng and Jia, and gave her a playful wink: "Everyone don't want to. Forget, how the few taskers who had been pushed down by the monsters in No. 4 carriage were saved. Thanks to the monstrous Lin Cheng entangled with the monsters in the park, the time was dragged to the full 30 minutes until the flight attendant got off the bus. "

So in a sense, the two Ms. Fenghe may also help us."

Wang Nan glanced suspiciously at the crazy Fenghe Lulu, and said, "Then in case these two people turn to help at that time." What will those monsters do to us?"

Xiang Nu said lightly: "I personally think this is unlikely, because the monsters Feng Hejia and Feng He Lulu both abandoned the monster camp and chose the tasker camp after they were monsters. They are betrayers."

"But the possibility of Wang Nan's statement cannot be completely ruled out. If you are really worried, you can go up and subdue them. Anyway, I don't have the ability.

" The seat rested on Yu Su's shoulder and did not move.

Wang Nan's face was blue and white, and when he raised his head to meet Feng He Jiana's half-smile and cold eyes, he shrank his neck and kept silent, watching Chen Chengen scolding his mother secretly in his heart.

Coward, if you have the ability to find fault, you have the ability to fight him to the end!

Yu Su frowned, looked out the window, and reminded, "Stop talking, we're going to pit."

Silver light was about to appear.

Xiangnu seemed to have thought of something and asked Yu Su, "Mr. Yu? Why don't we change your seat and let you sit by the window. You can take a good look at the movement on the 4th carriage and see what happens when the monster falls into the silver light. What happened."

Yu Su leaned towards him and whispered in his ear: "No need, I can see the changes outside the window by leaning a little closer to you." The

beautiful young man opened his eyes wide, feeling the cold young man The closeness and the temperature from his body, he pursed his lips slightly, and his blushing cheeks acquiesced.

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