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Xiang Nu smiled stiffly, and after a few laughs, his face became cold, and he said lightly: "Okay, let's go out, there are still several rooms waiting for us to explore."

Xiang Nu's voice was a little weak, However, Xiangli didn't hear it. He was still shocked by the fact that Xiangnu ate that tentacle. His eyes kept peeking at the corner of Xiangnu's lips, looking at the problem with his clothes.

After just looking at it for a long time, I didn't see any dirt on Xiangnu's clothes, and there was no trace left on the corners of his lips.

This made Xiangli a little confused, because if Xiangli really ate that tentacle, he should have left traces on his body.

It's like the slime that comes with tentacles...

In short, it shouldn't be this neat.

Didn't Xiang slave eat that tentacle?

Where did that big tentacle go? Xiangli's eyes couldn't help but search the house. In this small bedroom, he couldn't find a place to hide things.

Xiang Nu was talking with Qingfeng, and Qingfeng asked him: "Little brother, from Aunt Mei to the female corpse and tentacles in this room, there are already many mysteries about you and your brother, how do you think about what to do with your companions? Have you explained it?"

Xiang slave pressed his hand on the doorknob—

because the room was stuck on him, so if he did not open the door, the other missionaries would not be able to come in either, so they could only wait for him outside the door. respond.

After pondering for a few seconds, Xiangnu asked humbly: "Master, how do you think I should respond?"

Qingfeng rolled his eyes slyly and said, "There is a sentence that says this, a lie requires countless lies to fill. , There is no doubt that lying is a very labor-intensive thing, little junior brother, what do you think?"

Xiangnu nodded in agreement: "I feel the same way, so I hate lying unless it is particularly necessary."

Qingfeng looked at him thoughtfully and asked, "Then do you think these missionaries are worth your energy and weaving lies to deceive them?"

Xiangnu curled his lips, smiling beautiful and cool, He said softly: "Obviously, it's not necessary."

After speaking, he said to himself: "But it can't be completely disguised, after all, if an undisguised monster is hidden among the taskers, it is very It is easy to attract the hostility of the tasker, make them group together, and make the tasker's eyes all focus on the monster, guard against him, and ignore other clues and goals."

"For the tasker, they start from the monster itself. There is also a chance to get relevant clues to clear the mission, but I have other arrangements for the missionaries, I don't want their lives, what I want is..." As pawns, they gave these to me but Not entirely my city to find out.

Therefore, I can't expose my own clues too cleanly, at least I can't let these missionaries follow these clues to find out the cause of my death, cut off their way of finding this clue through various channels, and force them to follow my instructions. The idea continues with these five copies.

Generally speaking, a complete clue found by the tasker is the cause of death of a monster in the dungeon, which is also the weakness of that monster and the goal of the holy city. The difference between the branch line and the main line is mainly the status of the monsters detected by the quest players in the copy.

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