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Xiangnu left angrily. After entering the door of apartment 253 with a low air pressure, he stood behind the shadowed door and looked back at the car parked outside the apartment.

It's not just the party with missionaries and murderers... Yu Su will also attend, he belongs to the 'monster'.

That is to say, in addition to the mission and the murderer to be caught by the Inspectorate, there will be real monsters in this party, and there may even be a lot of them.

Xiangnu thought of this, and his expression became dark, and he was as unhappy as the discovery of monsters in the dungeon, and Yu Su's performance.

He obviously received the invitation, but why didn't he tell himself in the first place?

Yu Su, what is he going to do?

Xiangnu raised his hand and pressed his lips in the dark, thinking angrily, he let him kiss him in vain for a long time.

Xiangnu sighed, turned and walked into the apartment.

The apartment does not have a hall as soon as you enter it, behind the door is a narrow corridor and stairs.

There was no light in the aisles on the first floor, and the darkness gave people a very barren feeling.

A layer of dim light came in from the stairs on the second floor, sprinkled on the stairs, and the surface could play the role of guiding the way.

Xiang Nu lowered his eyes, tightened his neckline, stepped on the stairs and walked up silently, and then saw the scene on the second floor.

It was a long row of corridors. There was a window at the end of the corridor on both sides. The blurry light and shadow spilled in from the window, and the lights above Xiangnu's head could barely make people see the layout of the corridor on this floor.

The apartment looks very big from the outside, but the inside is far more spacious than the outside. Xiang slave reasonably suspects that the inside of this apartment may be connected to a different dimension space.

The promenade is very long, and the windows at the end are only the size of a palm in the eyes of Xiangnu who is far away.

At both ends of the corridor, there are countless closed doors. Xiangnu looked from both sides, walked into the corridor on the left, and stopped in front of the first room.

Although the light is very dark, it gives a poor quality, but in fact, the decoration of this floor is very beautiful. The walls are covered with flat and smooth tiles. The touch feels as smooth as jade. From the outside, there is almost no seam. . The door is also very beautiful, because the environment here is too dark, I can't see the specific color of the door, it is about reddish brown, and the material is very good.

On the door was a house number with No. 2-003 written on it, and a line of words below it, which was covered by a sliding whiteboard. Xiangnu was about to cut the whiteboard, but there was a startled shout from his right hand. In the silent corridor, it was extremely loud: "Hello!"

Xiang Nu's hand trembled, his head tilted slightly, and he looked in the direction from which the voice came.

There stood a man and a woman, dressed as demons, wearing exaggerated red and black costumes, with two sharp horns on the top of their heads, and their faces were painted with evil lines, because the lines on their faces were too heavy for others to see. The real appearance of the two of them.

Xiangnu didn't move, just stared at them silently with his face slightly sideways.

From the perspective of the two demons, they couldn't see Xiangnu's face, because most of his face was covered by the brim of his hat, and they could only see Xiangnu's pointed chin and thin and sharp lips.

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