5.1 Tianyanzong - Escort

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Fortunately, the Taoist priest of Tianyanzong appeared, interrupted the conversation between the two, and saved the slave who was extremely ashamed.

Xiangnu and Bai Python Yusu were standing on a steep mountain bank. On the top of the mountain above them, stood a palace. The palace was shrouded in a thick black mist, only showing a little eaves and beams, and two terrifying monsters. The beast statues stood on both sides of the eaves, with red light constantly exhaling from their mouths, and countless ghosts and ghosts hovered and danced in the black mist and on the statues, screaming and screaming.

The palace stood on the top of the mountain. It was originally a Jedi, and the sky was dark and even more depressing.

And this mountain is also covered with dead trees and weeds, and there are many rocks. Looking down from the foot of the mountain, it is barren for thousands of miles, and there is no life.

Two Taoist priests in black robes came down from the top of the mountain. They weren't old in appearance, but they couldn't be called young. Their eyes were cold and their faces were blue and gray. They didn't look too scary, but they made people look at them. Chill in the bottom of my heart.

The two Taoist priests walked in front of Xiangnu and Bai Python Yusu, and their eyes first fell on Xiangnu. They looked normal on the surface, but the keen Xiangnu could feel the rejection and malice in their hearts. It seems that the face is expressionless, but the cold eyes occasionally cast to the foot of the mountain, and then the eyes lightly shake, and the mood of the two Taoists seems to be a little anxious and struggling.

After seeing Xiangnu, the two Taoist priests turned their eyes on Yu Su, the white python, with a stern tone: "I don't know why Venerable Yu came to Tianyanzong? Except for the missionaries in the holy city, who can enter the dungeon. The rule of non-interference in the great domain was set by Venerable Yu himself, is Venerable Yu planning to overturn his own rule today?"

Xiangnu glanced at Bai Python Yusu, and Bai Python Yusu said indifferently, "Is there such a thing as this ? The regulations are good, but they also said that as long as the domain master agrees, this regulation can be ignored. Your suzerain hopes that Qingfeng can return smoothly, and specially invited me to help out, didn't he tell you?"

One of the ghost priests closed his eyes . , murmured: "The sect master is really confused, the return of Qingfeng is our own business, how can we invite such an inhuman god to come!"

Bai Python Yusu said coldly: "That is indeed your own business, but if Qingfeng returns smoothly, Tianyanzong will definitely leave the holy city, then it will not only be your Tianyanzong's business, in that case Wouldn't it be normal for me to come and see for myself?"

Another ghost priest couldn't help speaking, his voice was very cold and hard: "Venerable Yu said with caution, it is only the Sect Master's decision to welcome Qingfeng, and we haven't agreed yet.

Bai Python Yusu turned his head and said lightly, "That's your own business. Anyway, your sect master has invited me here, so don't let me go." The

expressions of the two ghost priests changed immediately. The ugly face was even more ugly.

The ghost priest, who had closed his eyes before, glanced at the obedient slave beside Bai Python Yu Su, and said lightly, "Since Venerable Yu has made up his mind, I won't say any more. Don't forget, although you entered the realm of Tianyanzong and intervened in this mission with the permission of the sect master, you can only use the power of mortals. We would like to remind you that Qingfeng will enter Tianyanzong. , you must first invade the mind by the five turbidities! The five turbidity invasion of the mind is not so easy to pass, and Venerable Yu is careful to get lost in it."

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