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Yu Su looked at him suspiciously, and when he saw the change in his expression, he seemed to be in disbelief.

Yu Su let go of Xiangnu's hand, pulled Xiangnu to the desk and sat down. Under Xiangnu's slightly puzzled gaze, he pulled him to stand beside him, grabbed his waist, and put it on the Xiang slave's chest.

He seriously felt the throbbing feeling of the heart through the flesh and clothes, and told Xiangnu: "Your heart is beating a little faster, this is the performance of excitement and happiness, it means you like it, right?"

Xiangnu He didn't correct the right or wrong of what he said, just asked him: "Who told you this?"

Yu Su calmly said: "Sister." Xiangnu

nodded and spread his hands helplessly: "Okay, you won, You have successfully discovered one of my little hobbies."

Yu Su looked at him strangely, pulled Xiang Nu to sit on his lap, and poked his cheek lightly with his fingers: "It always feels like you are lying.

" Nu raised his hand and caressed his face lightly, with a soft and sweet smile on his lips: "Your intuition seems to be more accurate than theoretical experience."

He admitted that he was lying, and Mr. Yu was very uncomfortable because of his perfunctory. Happy, with a slightly unhappy expression on his face.

He stared at the slave for a few seconds. This time, he mastered the method of 'punishing' the slave without a teacher. He pressed on the slave's lips, licked, bit, and sucked, and even slightly viciously lightly pressed it on the slave's lips. A light bite left a trace on the thin pink lips.

Mr. Yu was quite happy to see the evil beauty breathing lightly in his arms, and seeing that he was not injured but very weak and weak, he was finally a little happy, deliberately biting Xiangnu's ear beads lightly. He hummed: "Don't look at me like this again, or I'll bite you." The

glittering beauty lazily raised her eyes and squinted at him, snorted deliberately in disapproval, and was pressed and kissed again.

After that, the beauty became a little more obedient, Mr. Yu's demeanor calmed down a little, and the expressions between the two of them were very content.

Xiangnu grabbed Mr. Yu's collar, thinking that what happened tonight was a little strange, he asked Yu Su: "Mr. Yu, I have seen my sister, although the dress is a little weird, but I still think she is a very good person. People."

Yu Su said unhappily, "That's because I told her that you are mine. If I didn't tell her, you wouldn't think she was kind after you were discovered by her."

Xiang Nu smiled and looked at Yu Su . , asked curiously: "I met my sister when I first released the first copy, and she knew my existence at that time. What did you mention me to my sister so early, Mr. Yu?"

Xiang Nu felt that the two of them Didn't it develop to the point where you could meet your parents at that time?

Yu Su's answer was always beyond his expectations. He frowned and replied, "Of course it's to tell her that you're mine."

"After all, you're so beautiful, what if she stole you directly? "Mr. Yu replied, "It's not like she never did such a thing." Xiangnu

frowned, "Sister robbed you of someone before?"

Although Yu Su sometimes reacts strangely, she is not at ease with Xiangnu's questioning at this time. Unexpectedly responsive, he asked with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

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