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Xiang Nu glanced at the missionaries surrounding the bus. After his eyes circled around, he stopped at a stop sign, and then took off the mask hanging on his waist...

This is The mask that Feng Hejia gave him when he was in the villa before, can completely block his sight after wearing it, so that Xiangnu loses his vision and restores the perception when he was once blind.

This mask of Xiangnu gave everyone a very bad feeling. Before, he put on this mask and walked around and took him to the hotel, which almost caused everyone to lose directly under the sea of ​​​​fire.

However, although the previous experience was very bad, the appearance of this mask did indeed bring a turning point for everyone.

Wang Qiaoqiao suddenly asked expectantly: "Xiangnu's statement just now is still a bit scary. In the dungeon, fake death is likely to become real death. I think it's better not to try it lightly, and change to another way of thinking, such as Say, is there a possibility, in fact, what we see with our eyes is an illusion, the hearse is right next to us, but we are deceived by our eyes, so we can't see it? You can wear this again. Feel the surrounding environment with the mask, and try to see if we can find the hearse wearing it?"

Xiangnu seemed to be stunned, then smiled: "Okay."

Then he put on the eyeless ceramic mask, In an instant, it was full of weird and weird feelings, and a few taskers glanced at him and couldn't help but look away.

Xiangnu put on his mask, tilted his head, and said softly, "Are you all ready? Let's start our journey to find the hearse?"

He made a little joke, but everyone had no intention of cheering.

Xiangnu didn't care either, he turned around and started scurrying in this wide square, and several other missionaries silently followed behind him.

Xiangnu has long been accustomed to the darkness. Even if he doesn't have crutches, he doesn't have any stumbling blocks. He walks in the square with light steps. Aside from the surrounding environment, his posture can almost be said to be elegant and light.

He flew around the square like a butterfly, walking left and right, and soon, Ren Weiliang couldn't help but ask: "Where are you going? The world you feel after you close your eyes. Here, what do you base your goal on?"

Xiangnu paused for a while, he pondered for a few seconds, and said, "It's hard to say, I don't have a goal for now, I just feel... I just blocked a lot of people in front of me, I I didn't want to run into them, so I avoided them."

After everyone was silent, Wang Qiaoqiao said with a pale face, "Then if we didn't turn around just now, didn't we run into... uh, some people?

" Jia seemed to remember something and said, "Ren Weiliang said that he saw a lot of graves beside the hearse before. Could it be the people in the graves that Xiang slave felt?"

Ren Weiliang's face was ugly. : "I don't quite understand, why these places were chosen as the copy, what's special about them?"

"They must have a special place before they formed a copy, so we who work and study in it will be called by others. Select, and then do some bloody and terrifying things, and then open Pandora's box to turn these places into copies of ghosts. So, where are these places so special?"

Wang Qiaoqiao held her arm a little stiff, she slowly He slowly released his hand, looked at Wang Zhihui hesitantly and asked, "I don't understand... What do you mean, what bloody and terrible things have you done?"

Wang Zhihui looked at him silently, and Ren Weiliang suddenly laughed: "I I thought I was a special case, but now it seems that there are quite a few guys like me in this dungeon."

Ren Weiliang smiled wickedly, and counted with his fingers: "Huang Xin and this child are considered together, Huang Xin that The guy has several lives in his hands, I have a murderer with Feng and Jiali, and there is also a murderer among these two little girls..."

He looked at Xiangnu, thinking of Xiangli in the car, His eyes were full of doubts: "You and Xiangli..."

Xiangnu stopped walking, lowered his head and thought for a moment. After a while, he said, "I had a conflict with him before, and then..."

"What happened?" Wang Qiaoqiao swallowed her saliva and said in fear.

Xiangnu made a scissors gesture, made a paper sliding motion, and said lightly: "The belly was cut open, and the internal organs were dug out."

Xiangnu didn't lie, but he didn't tell everyone that he and Xiangli were hurting each other. , you can still deceive the corpse when you die.

And several other taskers obviously regarded Xiangnu as a murderer, thinking that Xiangli was the poor victim.

Wang Qiaoqiao sucked in a breath of cold air, jumped up and ran away from Wang Zhihui and the others, and ran to hide behind Feng Hejia pitifully. We can't be with them, one of them is normal, the other is a murderer, this dungeon may be a confrontation type!"

Ren Weiliang originally looked at Wang Qiaoqiao with mocking eyes, but after listening to Wang Qiaoqiao's words, he The color changed a little, and he stared at Feng Hejia's eyes stained with blood: "Confrontational type, this may also be..."

Wang Zhihui's face turned pale, she looked at Wang Qiaoqiao and murmured weakly: "Sister Qiaoqiao, even if It's like that, I can't hurt you..."

Wang Qiaoqiao looked at her hesitantly, as if judging how sincere Wang Zhihui's words were.

But Wang Zhihui's face instantly turned cold after she said this, her gloomy toes were messed up on the ground, ignoring Wang Qiaoqiao at all.

Feng Hejia glanced at Xiangnu vaguely, and did not understand what he meant. Why should he participate in the performance with Ren Weiliang's statement, so as to separate the taskers.

Xiangnu ignored her and 'looked' around with his hands in his pockets. He was wearing a mask, and there was an empty darkness in front of him, no light could be seen. In such an environment, his sense of smell and hearing became extremely clear.

Slowly, he smelled a very light burnt smell, Xiangnu swayed, and walked quickly in the direction from which the smell came.

When the other missionaries saw this, they quickly hid their precautions in their hearts, but they divided them into two groups, and then followed up with the slaves together.


Everyone was led by Xiangnu until they turned to a corner of the square, and then came to a bus that looked old but still colorful.

The windows of the car were covered with translucent window decals, which blocked the view of the car and made it impossible to see clearly.

Xiangnu took off his mask, and several missionaries looked at each other in dismay, and spread out to check around the bus.

Xiang Nu walked to Wang Zhihui's side and patted her on the shoulder lightly.

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