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Xiangnu said something very happy, raised his head and laughed, his voice was not too loud, but his father around him could hear it clearly.

His father's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly lit the lighter in his hand and threw it at Xiangli, who was curled up on the ground.

The flame and gasoline combined, and instantly turned the 'xiangli' into a burning man. At this time, the father looked in the direction of the laughter with a satisfied smile, and then saw the laughter. The master,

his eldest son, was leaning halfway into the sea of ​​an extremely handsome man with a terrifying aura, looking at him with a sinister smile.

His father smiled back at him, as gentle and elegant as always, but he had a lot of wounds torn out by the raccoon just now, and his face was covered in blood. With his deliberate smile at this time, not only did he not make people feel kind Instead, he looked like a pervert.

Father Yoyo said: "Xiangnu, you hate your brother too, so you watched Dad burn him to death, but didn't stop him, right?"

Xiangnu looked at him quietly, the ridicule in his eyes getting more and more Shen, he said softly: "Dad, this is my world, if I want to force you to death, then I will have countless ways, and I don't need to show up from the beginning to the end."

"Take a look again' Brother'."

The smile on his father's face faded a little, and complex and terrible emotions rolled in his eyes.

Before he knew it, the wailing that belonged to the raccoon turned into the shrill cry of a woman.

Seeing his father clutching his chest, Xiangnu seemed to be out of breath.

Xiang Nu said faintly: "Father, if you hurry up, you can still jump in now, and you and your mother's ashes can still be fused together."

"If you are a little later, there will be a gust of wind." Xiang Nu opened his mouth. Holding his hand, he puffed out his cheeks and gave a soft call to the palm of his hand. The more innocent he smiled, the heavier the malice in his eyes: "Mother's ashes will be blown away, and you will never see her again."

Xiangnu watched as his father's expression became distorted, he turned around slowly in fear, and looked back at the place where Xiangli was just now.

I don't know when, the ubiquitous darkness dissipated, the vision returned, and the father saw that the familiar woman had replaced the son he hated, and the skirt and skin were scorched by the flames.

The magic box that released the evil spirits fell beside her, the chains of burning flames were all wrapped around her, the evil spirits stared at them but did not approach, and there were six or seven shattered goblins on her lower body scrambling to get out of her body. Climb out.

They are both brothers and sisters of Xiangnu and Xiangli. When they were still in the womb, they were found to have deformities. After they were formed and had souls, they were induced to give birth.

After seeing this scene, the father finally couldn't help it, and yelled "go away", while jumping over to the mother's side, trying to put out the flames on her.

In the end, it was like a lamb that had entered the tiger's mouth. It was covered by ghost babies and deformed people. It burned into ashes in the tongue of fire, and its soul was also reduced to nothing.

Xiang Nu said blankly, "If he can give up this deformed family heritage and blood, he and his mother, and me and Xiangli, we will be a weak but happy family."

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