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Xiang Nu didn't dare to open his eyes, the person behind him hugged him quietly, and after a stalemate with him for a while, his movements gradually became bigger, and he closed Xiang Nu.

Xiangnu couldn't hold back, opened his eyes tremblingly, and slowly turned his head to look over.

The person standing behind him silently watching him has a familiar face, but not as vivid as usual, with a rigid expression, cold and stiff eyes, like a work of art that can be carved, exquisite but soulless.

Xiang Nu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the man's face clearly. There was a slight smile on his bright and slanting face, and softly called, "Mr. Yu."

The person standing behind Xiang Nu was exactly Yu Su, but Yu Su did not respond to the slave, and his eyes fell in front of him, very cold and dead.

Xiang Nu frowned slightly when he saw Yu Su's reaction, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes. He gently pushed Yu Su, Yu Su slowly withdrew his hand, and then there was no unnecessary reaction.

Xiang Nu glanced at him worriedly, pushed Yu Su's hand away from her, and dexterously broke free from his embrace.

After breaking free, Xiang Nu took a sharp breath and stared at Yu Su and the scene behind Yu Su with her long and narrow eyes rounded.

Yu Su was wearing a robe similar to a white coat, with clothes like a hospital gown underneath, but that was not the point. The point was that there were countless tentacles like silver steel pipes extending from the back and connecting to the hall on the first floor behind. A dense row of coffins or carts.

The silver tentacles spread out from Yu Su's back about a dozen or so, not thick, about the thickness of a thumb, and spread out long. The tentacles, some of those tentacles were not in the coffin, and it was not clear what they were doing in the coffin.

Others plunged into the thin, thin beds of the ambulance cots, thin and disembodied patients in hospital gowns.

The patients were curled up on the bed, their skin was dull yellow and scrawny. The dull skin was drooping on the bones. Because there was no support from fat and flesh, they were lazily tugged into a ball, looking extremely ugly and terrifying.

It's not clear what the shape of the people in the coffin is, but these patients lying on the cart have their eyes wide open, their chests bulge and suffocate violently, and every breath seems to have a large share of life force in it. As time passed, they curled up, their eyes bulging, the red blood in the whites of their eyes skyrocketed, and the black eyeballs seemed to be squeezed out. They stared at Yu Su and Xiangnu with such terrifying eyes, their eyes full It was malicious, but it might be because of limitations. They could only stare at Xiang Slave, but they couldn't move a little while lying on the bed.

Xiangnu's Adam's apple rolled, and the center of his eyebrows kept beating, and he couldn't control it.

Mr. Yu looked at him 'calmly'. Although he didn't seem to be rational at the moment, Xiang slave could only summon up a little courage when he looked at him.

Xiang Nu clutched his chest and breathed a few times, and walked forward cautiously with a sullen face. He did not dare to approach the patients who seemed to be awake on the cart, and deliberately avoided the area with many carts and walked to a coffin. The swift probe in front glanced at it, a little surprised, there was nothing in the coffin except Mr. Yu's tentacles, it was filled with unknown milky white mucus, a little thick, although the rate of decrease was very slow, it kept descending, staring at You'll find out after a while.

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