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Xiangnu looked at Xuezhen thoughtfully, narrowed his long and narrow eyes a little, and asked, "Xuezhen, what exactly are you keeping in the duty room? I'm a little curious."

"Curiosity will kill the cat . Oh." Xue Zhen said coldly.

Xiang Nu stared at her for a few seconds, and reminded: "I am your senior dean, Dr. Xue, I hope you can always respect me."

Xue Zhen paused, her beautiful eyebrows lowered slightly. , showing soft colors, she said: "I understand, Mr. Dean."

"Now please follow me back to the duty room to continue to rest."

Xuezhen slightly opened, and the corners of her lips pulled out a perfectly curved smile, Give up some position to Xiang slave, swing his hand forward, and make an inviting gesture.

Xiangnu nodded and went back to the duty room with Xuezhen.

On the way, he asked: "Since Dr. Xue doesn't want me to know what is in the duty room, can you tell me your next arrangement for that animal? I said he went out, but you don't believe it, Dr. Xue. , then forget it, let's pretend he's still in the room, but after I fall asleep for a while, won't there be other strange things running in in the middle of the night?"

Xuezhen lowered her head and frowned, as if she couldn't. He must have hesitated for a long time, and finally gave a solution: "Nothing will run in. If you are really worried, I can stand at your door and watch the night for you!

" Strange things slipped into the house and Xuezhen, who was also strange, hesitated for a while, and answered decisively: "Then I will ask Dr. Xue tonight!"

Xuezhen looked at him in astonishment. Glancing at him, she didn't seem to expect that Xiangnu would really agree, she snorted reluctantly, her face was cold, and she looked terribly stinky.

Xiangnu pretended not to see her face, walked into the doctor's duty room with Xuezhen's company and stared at her, and before closing the door, she said to Xuezhen again, "I'll ask Xuezhen for the night shift, you Don't run halfway."

Xuezhen looked at him annoyed, her full and beautiful lips pursed tightly, and her eyes were full of unpleasantness.

Xiangnu gently closed the door and stepped into the darkness.

He didn't feel any extra breath in the room, but he didn't feel it before, so he couldn't tell that there must be nothing else in the room.

There was darkness in the room, and the sight, hearing and smell could not see anything. Xiangnu slowly groped to the side of the bed and sat down quietly. He closed his eyes and recalled the slightly illuminated room when his scarlet eyes glowed red. The environment, I finally remembered that there was a point in front of the red light, as if there was a point that might be the fabric of the curtain.

Curtains are generally used to block sunlight. Although it is night, there may be a little moonlight outside. If you open the curtains, you may be able to see a little bit of the indoor environment.

Xiangnu's heart moved slightly, and he followed the direction of his memory and walked carefully towards the curtain. He had eye problems since he was a child, and he was very sensitive and familiar with the dark environment, so even if he couldn't see anything, he didn't feel that he was stumbling when he walked. He walked to the curtain and pulled on the slightly rough fabric.

Xiang Nu was slightly overjoyed, and just as he was about to tear the fabric apart, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and clasped his wrist.

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