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Xiangnu woke up in a field of flowers, and when he was not fully awake, the fragrant fragrance of flowers rushed into his nose, intoxicating his soul.

Xiang Nu opened his eyes, and what he saw was a gorgeous fiery red. The flowers beside him stretched their complex petals, and the delicate flower stamens were displayed back and forth in front of Xiang Nu, which was extremely beautiful.

Xiangnu didn't know what kind of flower this flower was, but that didn't stop him from appreciating its beauty.

These beautiful flowers also seem to be able to sense the love of Xiangnu, and they are more swayed. The flowers are almost all turned around, all of which are aimed at Xiangnu and let Xiangnu appreciate it to the fullest.

In a pavilion outside the flowers, a man with a hunched back hid in the dark and stared at Xiangnu sitting in the flowers for a long time. After a long time, he finally stood up from the shadows and shouted to Xiangnu: "Hello , what's your name, which prisoner are you from?"

Xiangnu raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a very old man, the wrinkles on his face were as deep as ravines, and his face was old. It looks like some shriveled paper, without any moisture.

He waved his right hand to Xiangnu, and a cold and hoarse voice called him: "Come out."

Xiangnu looked at him a few times, and then slowly stood up from the flowers and walked towards him.

When he got closer, Xiangnu found that the old man's left sleeve was empty and half broken.

Xiangnu stood outside the pavilion and looked at him, and asked, "Who are you and what do you want me to do?" The

old man gave him a strange look and said slowly, "I am the gardener of this flower room.

" What about you, in which cell are you a prisoner?"

"Prisoner? This is a prison?" Xiangnu murmured.

The old man tensed up instantly and asked cautiously, "Who are you? Outsider?!"

Xiang Nu ignored him and looked around.

The old man looked at him like a monster, took two steps back and ran out along the path behind the pavilion.

Xiangnu looked hesitantly for a few seconds, then climbed over the railing and walked out along the path.

The garden just now was very bright and beautiful, with colorful flowers, and a round of sun that made people feel warm but not hot at all hung in the sky above. The whole scene was as beautiful as a paradise.

But when Xiangnu walked in along the path, the surrounding environment became colder and colder, and the temperature gradually dropped.

There was a high fence next to the path. The fence was tightly clothed and covered with spikes. Xiang slave couldn't even stick to the fence and look at it, because the spikes would poke his eyes.

He closed his eyes and moved his ears to listen. He always felt that there were voices behind the fence, and it was more than just one person, but those voices seemed to be separated by a long distance? The slave can't hear the truth at all.

Seeing that Xiangnu couldn't hear anything, he stopped listening and continued to walk along the path.

Xiangnu walked along the path. When he came to a place similar to a gate, the light had been thrown far behind him. The cold wind surrounded him, and the inside of the gate was even darker, like a man with a big mouth. Monsters are very dangerous and treacherous.

Xiangnu covered his lips with his hands and breathed, and walked into the door with a calm expression.

Different from the beautiful and vibrant garden before, behind the gate is an overall gloomy and dark space, the walls are dark brown, iron-like texture, and there are some unclear stains on it.

There are several corridors in front of Xiangnu. The sound from the corridor in front of the front is the loudest. There are many footsteps approaching. The sound of the other corridors is more chaotic. Xiangnu stood there and hesitated for a while. Go down, and directly enter the corridor on the right.

Next is a long dark tunnel with a dark yellow candle hanging above the tunnel. Xiangnu observes the surrounding environment as he walks, and is wondering what is strange about this corridor, when suddenly there is a sound like opening a window and opening the door. With the same sound, he paused in footsteps, lowered his head to look, and saw a piece of iron being pulled inside at the bottom of his hands.

Xiangnu stood beside the piece of iron that was being pulled. He moved his feet, then stared at the place for a long time, slowly stepped aside, then knelt down, half-sideways to look at the small hole.

Two iron fences were placed across the small hole, opened from the angle of Xiangnu, and there seemed to be nothing behind the small hole.

Xiangnu thought for a while, then knelt down slowly, half of his face was close to the small hole, and his eyes looked through the small hole.

When Xiangnu fell down, the small hole had not been completely torn open, so Xiangnu just lay down and stared at the person behind the wall and slowly tore off the iron sheet.

A very light rubbing sound of clothes and trousers sounded, and soon, there was someone on the opposite side kneeling down in the same posture as Xiang Slave, with half of his face against the wall and looking out.

Just in line with the sight of the superior slave.

Xiangnu winked at him.

The pupil of the man on the opposite side dilated instantly, and then the eyeballs trembled obviously several times, and with a bang, the owner of the eyes smashed directly to the ground.

"Wang Nan? Are you alright, Wang Nan?" An anxious call came from the person behind the small hole.

Xiangnu repeated: "Wang Nan?" The name seemed familiar.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the people behind the small hole were immediately quiet.

Xiang Nu did not continue to speak, but continued to stare at the small hole. After a long while, Wang Nan was removed, and a new person lay down and looked at Xiang Nu again.

This time, the person was a little stronger than Wang Nangao. Instead of being stunned, he left directly, and then stuffed the iron sheet back to block the small hole.

Xiangnu got up after seeing that he couldn't see anything, and poked the iron sheet with his fingers mischievously, and tapped his fingers on the iron sheet several times.

At this time, Xiangnu's palm was hot, he squeezed it, the panel jumped out, and Mr. Yu asked him: Where have you been?

Xiangnu remembered that he was alone in the garden after waking up, and didn't see Yu Su at all, so he returned a question mark to Mr. Yu in confusion.

Yu Su: I saw that you were sleeping and put you in the sea of ​​flowers and then went to get the quilt. Once you came back, you were gone.

Xiangnu nodded, but soon realized that Yu Su couldn't see his movements at all, and typed back: "Mr. Yu, I seem to have gone to prison.

Yu Su: ...

Xiangnu thought of the name Wang Nan called by those people just now, and finally remembered that among the first people he met in this world, there seemed to be a man named Wang Nan, and he always despised him at that time. .

After thinking for a while, Xiangnu continued to knock again: Then I seem to have met a group of people who seem to be preparing to escape from prison.

Yu Su: Baby, stay where you are and don't walk around. I'll find you now.

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