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Xiangnu looked at the girl in the white skirt, the girl in the white skirt only showed a little side face, but it was already obvious that she was a very beautiful girl.

Those who just arrived because they were standing in the corridor did not see the scene in the nurse's station, nor did they see a girl in the nurse's station.

They stood against the white wall for a moment, relieved the discomfort and nausea that had been transferred into the copy, and then came to Xiangnu.

One of them was still wondering, and asked, "Brother, why are you ignoring us when we talk to you, what are you looking at..." The

speaker was a tall young man, handsome and sunny, full of health.

Along with him were a man and two women taskers, both of whom were young, and neither of them were ugly. They were considered handsome men and beauties of above-average level.

The four of them came over, and the girl who looked at Xiangnu finally turned around, revealing her face.

She is beautiful, very very beautiful.

Not to mention the four taskers, even after seeing the girl's first glance, Xiangnu's eyes also had a glimpse of surprise, which was enough to see how beautiful the girl in the white dress was.

She was wearing a loose white dress, which seemed a little loose on her body. I don't know if it was because of the style, but after being worn by the girl, the girl's already slender figure was made even weaker.

The girl's eyebrows are very thin, but the shape is very gentle and not sharp. She also has a pair of big black eyes. When she looked at Xiangnu before, the eyes looked very cold and dull. Smart and moving.

The girl stood in the nurse's station holding a medical record, her head was slightly lowered, and she smiled softly at several taskers, ethereal, beautiful and harmless to the extreme.

Xiang Nu glanced at the few people beside him, one girl showed a bit of strangeness and slight conflict, but the two boys and the other girl had their eyes straight.

The girl smiled uncomfortably, pulled the hair down from her chest to her back, and spoke in a sweet and sweet voice: "Hello everyone... I heard your conversation just now, are you also the missionaries?"

Xiangnu paused, a strange color flashed across his eyes, he nodded slightly and asked, "Yes, are you too?" The

girl nodded, her expression as usual: "Yes, my name is Xuezhen, may I ask you What's your name?"

Xiangnu chuckled softly: "I am called Xiangnu."

"Xiangnu?" Xuezhen laughed: "What a strange name, this is the first time I heard someone's name. Slave."

Xiangnu's eyebrows and eyes also completed the shape of a crescent moon: "Your name is similar, and this is the first time I heard someone else's surname Xue."

Xuezhen smiled gently, and looked at Xiangnu for two seconds, as if nothing had happened. Away his eyes, his eyes fell on the four taskers next to him, and asked, "What do you guys call me?" The

sunny young man's face turned red, and he scratched his head and smiled.

The other young man's performance was a little better, and he had recovered. He smiled at Xuezhen and introduced himself: "Hello Xuezhen, my name is Feng Jinyuan, you can call me Jinyuan or Brother Feng."

Feng Jinyuan As soon as the words were uttered, the expression of the girl who originally saw Xuezhen's expression was not right, and her face was obviously blue.

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