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Doctor X chuckled lightly and approached Xiangnu leisurely.

The dangerous aura on her was too strong, and the over-inspired Xiangnu felt like he was being forced to breathe. He couldn't help but take a few steps back. When he hit the railing, he stumbled, and his coat swayed slightly. .

Doctor X stretched out his hand to hold him, Xiang Nu was a little surprised by her action, and glanced at her in surprise, only to find that Doctor X had a pair of dark red eyes, cold and gloomy, without the slightest emotion and temperature in them.

Doctor X raised her hand. Her ten fingers were long and slender. The nails were painted bright red and dazzling, and the patterns were drawn with unknown white materials. The patterns on each nail were different. It's all terrifying.

She tugged at the collar of Xiangnu's coat with her fingers crossed, neatly arranged the clothes for him, and said with a chuckle: "Since you have already run out, you must put on the adult's clothes, if they fall off. , but bad things will happen." The

beautiful young man lowered his brows and answered lightly with his collar closed, hesitatingly asked, "Who are you?"

Doctor X glanced at him with a half-smile, but did not answer.

The inspectors carried the corpse to the Red Queen. The moment she saw the corpse, the Red Queen tore off her normal disguise instantly, and countless tentacles with knots madly spread out from under the skirt. There was a wild dance in that spacious room, knocking down all the decorations in the room.

She roughly protruded several entangled tentacles and snatched the body directly from the inspector.

Then the tentacles quickly swelled and shook, and a stream of mucus came out from the small holes under her tentacles, instantly melting and corroding the corpse.

Xiangnu's beautiful eyes stared at this scene quietly. Those inspectors were very afraid of being affected by the Red Queen. At the moment when the Red Queen rolled the body, those inspectors hurriedly avoided and turned to X. The doctor came over here.

Doctor X quietly watched the Red Queen make a mess in the room in the West End, seeing her spraying venom everywhere, destroying the decoration and floor in the room, and said softly: "That is a lunatic who is already on the verge of collapse. ..."

She glanced at Xiangnu, and the meaning of her words was unclear: "For such an existence, madness means death, and many things want to replace her." The

beautiful young man looked seriously at the swollen Red Queen. , Wen Yan tilted his head, looked at Doctor X and smiled brightly.

Those inspectors breathed a sigh of relief when they were out of the Red Queen's attack range, and their expressions and movements returned to their composure.

After finishing their clothes and demeanor, they regained their orderly and upright appearance, and came to Doctor X and Xiangnu with serious faces.

Unlike before, this time the inspectors all looked cold and solemn, and no longer showed suspicion and distrust from time to time as they did when they looked at the slave.

Doctor X walked to Xiangnu's side, lying on the railing with his fingers interlaced, looking at the taskers below.

This batch of taskers may be really experienced. Although the death of the middle-aged man surprised them, none of them appeared panicked.

They watched coldly as the middle-aged man's body was removed, and didn't say anything, but spread out tacitly and no longer gathered into a crowd.

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